The Key to Pope Francis’s Identity – Part I. Master of the Jesuit Spiritual Exercises
This article was transcribed from a YouTube by Tom Friess of Inquisition Update. If any reader of this website has any information about Tom Friess, I would appreciate hearing it. He doesn’t seem to be active any more in his ministry, a very excellent ministry, because he tells us the truth about Protestant Reformation and the Jesuit Counter-Reformation.
Good morning, everyone. Welcome to another edition of Inquisition Update. My name’s Tom Friess, and I’ll be your host for the next hour.
This morning, having moved on from the latest book that we’ve read here on Inquisition Update, about Preterism and Futurism, I begin this morning by reading a series of articles by Richard Bennett.
Many of you know Richard Bennett, a frequent guest here on Inquisition Update. He was a Roman Catholic priest for 21 years, a monk in the Roman Catholic Church, and a Vatican insider. And he was gloriously converted to Christ, and is Protestant in his faith. And we have the advantage of him having a close personal relationship with Christ and an extensive knowledge of the Scriptures, but we also have his Vatican background. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, I regard Richard Bennett as my go-to guy when interpreting Roman Catholic writing, papal writings, encyclicals, and pastoral letters, and one thing and another.
You have to know how to speak Vatican speak in order to understand those documents. The hidden meanings that are within those documents are critical for our understanding. And Richard Bennett, who can read these documents in Latin, and who also understands the papacy and Vatican speak, in other words, the language of the papacy, can tell us precisely what those documents mean to us as Protestants. That’s a critical piece of information, and when Brother Richard Bennett passes, I wonder who will replace him. He’s an invaluable help through the Inquisition update.
So this morning, I’m going to read a series of articles by Richard Bennett, and probably in the coming days, we’ll continue to read some valuable and important articles by Richard Bennett.
First, this morning, we’ll start with a warning. Richard Bennett warns us, he says, coming to a movie theater near you, May 18, 2018. That’s right, the Pope’s going to make a movie! Of course, it’s going to be widely viewed by Roman Catholics and Evangelicals alike, and let’s hear what this movie’s going to be all about. Reminding you, it’s coming in May 18. Here we are at the end of April 2018, so about the middle of next month, Pope Francis, rather Antichrist, Pope Francis I, will be making a movie.
He’s going to be a movie star, and it is an outfit by the name of Focus Features that is going to produce this Vatican-inspired movie. He says, “Focus Features, a major Hollywood production company, will release a documentary film titled, Pope Francis, A Man of His Word.” That’s the title of the movie.vKeep your eyes and ears open for it. You’ll find Roman Catholic priests and ecumenical, Evangelical-y priesters going to it. You may even be invited to pre-use this movie with them, although you won’t be invited to the secret meeting afterwards.
Anyway, the script for the film was written and directed by three-time Academy Award nominee, Roman Catholic, Wim Wenders. The film is a rare co-production with the Vatican, and it will clearly and universally present the Pope’s ideas and message of reform. Let me stop right there.
There’s no reforming the irreformable. Okay, so this is reform for appearances only. The Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church will never be reformed.vIt will only be destroyed at Christ’s return.
Continuing, he says, In the film, the Pope offers his answers to many of today’s global questions, from death, social justice, immigration, ecology, wealth inequality, materialism, and the role of the family. You must understand from that statement, that the papacy considers itself chief of all of these realms, the governor of all of these realms.
Listen to them again. The Pope offers his answers to many of today’s global questions, from death, right, death is the realm of the papacy, social justice, that too is especially the realm of the papacy, immigration, ecology, wealth inequality, materialism, and the role of the family. The Pope is the supreme authority over all of these realms. Kind of like a god, isn’t he? According to his own interpretation.
Continuing, he says, “The film uses a direct-to-camera visual and narrative concept that engages the audience as if the Pope is having a face-to-face conversation with each individual watching. Kind of like God, right? And he says, Focus Features Chairman Peter Joukowsky says, “We are humbled at the responsibility of planting this film into the global culture so that the thoughts and words of a spiritual leader as inspiring and compassionate as Pope Francis can take root.”
So you can see, they’re trying to impose Pope Francis upon the world in nearly every aspect of existence, as though he were God on Earth. That’s what this movie is all about.
He says, “Pope Francis has been acting as the spokesman for a new initiative in global peacemaking. However, Francis, while acting as a spiritual leader, is factually establishing his own political agenda.”
So all of this is to have political ramifications. Everything that the Pope says in this movie is designed to have a political objective in mind. This is why the Pope describes himself as the King of Kings. He’s literally, through this movie, dictating his philosophies upon the kings and the rulers of this world.
And I remind you that he’s going to speak on subjects of global impact. That is, all the kings of the Earth must heed what the papacy says in answers to today’s global questions on death, social justice, immigration, ecology, wealth inequality, materialism, and the role of the family.
Now, Richard Bennett says, Do not be deceived. Pope Francis is one of the most popular and polarizing Catholic popes in recent history. Many people, including naive, professing evangelical believers, are being captivated by his approach. Richard Bennett is qualified to expose the reality of who Pope Francis is.
Richard Bennett, a former Irish Roman Catholic priest of 21 years, an alumnus of the Pontifical Institute of St. Thomas Aquinas, also known as the Angelicum in the Vatican City, Richard has firsthand knowledge of the real agenda of the Roman Catholic papacy. That’s why we are going to consult Richard Bennett about Pope Francis and about the Vatican and about the papacy itself. Because Richard Bennett has firsthand knowledge about the real agenda of the Roman Catholic papacy.
I want to remind my listeners, Richard Bennett knows, as well as I do, that the papacy is that man of sin, the son of perdition, the antichrist, the little horn of the Bible. That’s why his information is so invaluable to us here at Inquisition Update.
Richard concludes, he says, the Vatican’s geopolitical campaign has gone into high gear with major media promotions in network news, table news, and now Hollywood production.
To learn more, visit Berean Beacon topic page, the Vatican’s Global Agenda.
And now we’re going to read some of these articles from Richard Bennett’s website. By the way, if you would like to go there, and I encourage all of my listeners to study well the writings of Richard Bennett on his website,
And also, you may go, and I encourage my listeners to go to YouTube and watch his many, many videos exposing the Vatican’s agenda for the whole world.
And you may consider these writings that I’m about to read as addendums to my reading and discussion of The Global Vatican by Francis Rooney. The first article I would like to read by Richard Bennett is entitled, Key to Pope Francis’ Identity, Pastor of the Jesuit Spiritual Exercises.
Now remember, Jorge Bergoglio is a Jesuit. He was a novitiate. In other words, the head of a novitiate in Argentina. So he is very well versed. He is a high-ranking Jesuit, very well versed in the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola. In other words, he is a studied liar. He is a studied enemy of Christ. That’s what it is to be a Jesuit. And that’s what it is to be Jorge Bergoglio, Pope Francis I.
Now, the article by Richard Bennett. On the first anniversary of Pope Francis’ election to the papal chair, we thought it fitting to see what the Jesuits think of Francis’ work so far. Appropriately, James Martin, a Jesuit, editor-at-large of the prestigious Jesuit magazine, America, was featured in a brief online video entitled, Pope Francis, Still a Jesuit. The video is subtitled, A Look at the Pope’s Jesuit Identity.
Martin notes that Francis I had been the novice director of the Argentine province of the Jesuit order. To have attained this position, Francis had to be thoroughly knowledgeable regarding the text of Ignatius Loyola’s spiritual exercises. Martin’s estimation is that Francis’ Jesuit identity has, in fact, had a very great influence on his actions as Pope.
If we are to gain any useful insight into the unique character, the unique interests, and intentions of this new Pope, it is imperative that we appreciate the forces that have molded his mind and his life. Only when we have done this will it become blindingly clear why this man was the perfect Vatican choice. Francis has already demonstrated considerable personal ability to sway multitudes of wavering Catholics in diverting them from contemplating the depressing spectacle of a corrupt and depraved ecclesiastical institution.
Let me explain. Devout Roman Catholics for a great long time have been bewildered with the news of assassinated Popes, and we’ve got a list of those prepared, of Vatican bank scandals, innumerable Vatican bank scandals, a bank that refuses to submit its records for evaluation, a secret Vatican bank that is believed to be involved in some of the most hideous acts in world history, financing of global crime and warfare. The Roman Catholic people demand some oversight over the Vatican bank, and the Vatican refuses to cooperate.
We have devout Roman Catholics for a long time, for hundreds of years, have been incensed by the continued and long-standing pedophile priest pandemic in the world, and they want something done about it. Crisis after crisis after crisis in the Roman Catholic Church has led many Roman Catholics to be questioning whether or not this is truly the Church of Jesus Christ as the Vatican claims. Roman Catholics want answers to questions that one can hardly find the words to ask.
Why are the priests pedophiles? Why is the Vatican bank involved in so many scandals? Why are our Popes being assassinated? These questions are captivating the minds of Roman Catholics searching for answers. So the Vatican needed a diversion, someone who could captivate the minds of Roman Catholics and take away their contemplation of the problems within the Roman Catholic Church and focus them on something else. Now in that context you can understand why Richard Bennett says this.
He says, again, Francis has already demonstrated considerable personal ability to sway multitudes of wavering Roman Catholics in diverting them from contemplating the depressing spectacle of a corrupt and depraved ecclesiastical institution. Though the road has been beset with embarrassments, setbacks, and obstacles, Francis is effectively brushing past the real causes and consequences of the terrible moral crisis of Romanism and resettling the minds of the faithful. They have become enthusiastic spectators of a masterful theatrical presentation of quote-unquote authentic old-style spirituality.
For example, it can be seen from the moment that this first appearance on the balcony after his election, when he sincerely implored the population of St. Peter’s Square to quote, pray for him, unquote, to his ongoing practice of embracing the untouchable and the unclean, washing the feet of ordinaries and enemies alike. Thus has Francis consistently created an atmosphere in which despairing and disillusioned Roman Catholics around the world are now ready to both to hear him and, more importantly, to be led by him. His determined mission to rescue the quote-unquote church using forms and techniques of Jesuit mystical spirituality is bearing remarkable fruit. It is a startling contemporary testimony to the enduring power of the Ignatian way to disarm its victims and to draw them into willing submission.
What Richard Bennett is talking about with these spiritual exercises is a masterful creation of Ignatius Loyola, the first superior general of the Jesuit order, to engage those participating in the spiritual exercises into a routine, a repertoire of visions and dreams that are totally apart from the Scriptures. That through these mystical exercises, these visualizations, through their wicked imaginations, they might perceive a Christ of their own choosing.
And it is totally devoid of any reference to Scripture. The Ignatian way, named after Ignatius Loyola, the Ignatian way, the spirituality of the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola is what we’re referring to when we talk about the spiritual exercises.
Now, what is the historical context underlying these spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola? Richard Bennett writes, the goal of Eastern meditation is to unite oneself directly with God. Okay? Is that what we’re supposed to do? Is that what the Scripture teaches? That you’re supposed to engage in Eastern mysticism and meditation so that without the mercy and grace of Almighty God, without the shed blood of Jesus Christ, you may directly unite yourself with God? See, it’s the whole purpose of the Ignatian system to replace God’s system of grace and mercy through the shed blood of His Son.
Again, he says, the goal of Eastern meditation is to unite oneself directly with God. In the 12th and 13th centuries in Europe, there arose a great interest in Eastern mysticism even as the papacy pounded out a tool by which to secure the controlling share of civil power in the Holy Roman Empire.
So the 12th and 13th centuries were what we might call the heyday of the papacy. The papacy had developed its Roman Catholic canon law to the point where the kings of Europe felt themselves spiritually bound to obey the papacy. Never mind the Bible. The kings of the earth were the vassals of the pope, and they were threatened with excommunication and eternal damnation if they did not obey the pope. So the kings of Europe, the governments of Europe, became the vassals of the papacy. They did the papacy’s bidding. This is when the papacy rose to supreme authority in Europe. There was a European dictator. It was the papacy.
It said the goal of Eastern meditation is to unite oneself directly with God. In the 12th and 13th centuries in Europe, there arose a great interest in Eastern mysticism, even as the papacy pounded out a tool by which to secure the controlling share of civil power in the Holy Roman Empire. During the earlier centuries, true evangelists had done much to evangelize Europe and the British Isles with the gospel. But by the 12th century, the papacy was strong enough to instigate the Inquisition, which through the civil state, tortured and murdered those who refused to bow to its religious dictates.
So this is the extent of the power that the papacy had. When the papacy was the king of kings and lord of lords, he would force the governments of Europe, his vassals, to round up true Bible-believing Christians, those who would not bend the knee to the papacy, and have them killed. That was the purpose of the governments of Europe at that time, to destroy heresy, that is, non-Roman Catholics, out of the so-called Holy Roman Empire.
Richard Bennett said, During the earlier centuries, true evangelists had done much to evangelize Europe and the British Isles with the gospel. But by the 12th century, the papacy was strong enough to instigate the Inquisition, which, through the civil state, tortured and murdered those who refused to bow to its religious dictates, though the papacy, using the governments of Europe, persecuted, prosecuted, tortured, and killed true Bible-believing Christians who would never bend the knee to the Pope. And since the Pope couldn’t go around rounding up all these so-called heretics, he just simply commanded the kings of the earth to do it for him. And that’s what they did.
This was called the time of the Inquisitions, when the papacy, through the civil powers, tortured and murdered countless hundreds of millions of Bible-believing Christians. He’s the one that persecutes the saints. The earth is literally soaked with the blood of the saints and the martyrs of Jesus at the hand of the civil powers of Europe, at the behest of the papacy, the man of sin, the son of perdition, the great blasphemer of God, who pretends to be God on the earth.
Now, remember, the focus here is the Eastern mysticism, this meditation. Can any of my listeners tell me why this is the subject? Because in order for the papacy to maintain its control over the civil governments of the world, to continue the Inquisition, to continue to silence Bible-believing Christians, they had to keep the kings of the earth away from reading the Scriptures. Because it’s through the Scriptures that you learn who the man of sin, the son of perdition, the Antichrist, is. So all of the focus on Eastern meditation at this time was to divert the minds away from the Scriptures and into imaginations. Vain imaginations. These are the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola. The Bible speaks of them. Vain imaginations.
Those are the spiritual exercises, the visualizations, the acting out in one’s own mind the creation of a God that suits every man’s fancy. This is the fashioning of a God according to man’s likeness and image. That is what Eastern meditation is all about. That’s what the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola is all about. And the purpose of it is to take men’s hearts and minds and their eyes away from the Scriptures.
Now it said during the earlier centuries, true evangelists had done much to evangelize Europe and the British Isles with the Gospel, the Scriptures. But by the 12th century, the papacy was strong enough to instigate the Inquisition, which through the civil state tortured and murdered those who refused to bow to its religious dictates. Rather than promoting the Gospel, that is the Scriptures, among the many pagans who lived within the Holy Roman Empire, the papacy was busy coercing them all, Jew, Christian, and pagan alike, into a religious system that would guarantee to itself the reins of civil power necessary to become its dominant ruler.
So the influx of Eastern mysticism and all was to maintain the papal power, so that nothing would erode the power that the Vatican wielded over the governments of Europe. In other words, to keep people from reading the Scriptures. And so, instead of propagating and spreading and reading and teaching the Gospel among the pagans in the Holy Roman Empire, the papacy was advancing Eastern mysticism and philosophy and every kind of alternative, what’s the word I want to use? Contemplative religiosity. It was to preserve the papal power over the civil governments of the world, so that the papacy could continue to wipe out Bible-believing Christians.
Alright, continuing, he says, the papacy had never embraced the true Gospel, and thus was easily able to assimilate to itself the pagan practices it encountered within the borders of the Holy Roman Empire. These pagan practices the Roman Catholic Church whitewashed with an external form of Christianity.
Without true spirituality based on the Gospel and the Bible, the papal church, that is the Roman Catholic Church, became the perfect place for an Eastern Alexandrian Egyptian mysticism to flourish. So now you’re beginning to see the agenda of the Vatican with the emphasis on the spiritual exercises, Eastern mysticism, Egyptian mysticism, it was to replace the Bible, because it was through the Bible that the people of Europe, after reading the Gospel, after reading the Scriptures, after reading the prophecies, came to the unavoidable conclusion that the papacy is, was, and always will be the Antichrist. So the papacy is instigating all of these pagan practices as a satisfying spiritualism that replaces the truth, and all for the purpose of maintaining the papacy’s authority over the governments, and through them, over the people of Europe.
Now, continuing. Fleeing the aggressive push of Mohammedanism against the remnants of the collapsing Eastern Orthodox oriented empire, anchorite monks, together with hordes of other pseudo-spiritual clerical sects, heavily influenced by platonic idealism and mystic disciplines, emigrated to the safer Western regions. It was this rapid infusion of new forms and practices, based on a philosophically flavored and psychologically manufactured religious experience, that influenced Western monks to explore new ideas of the contemplative life, and pseudo-Christian piety.
Consequently, in the 13th century, mystical elements emerged among new orders of monks, such as the Franciscans of Saint Francis, and the Dominicans of Saint Dominic. Now, you understand that these new mystic orders that arose out of all this concentration of mysticism within the Holy Roman Empire, you have the Franciscans of Saint Francis of Assisi. And you also have the Dominicans of Saint Dominic. These sects of the Roman Catholic Church are steeped in mysticism, paganism in the name of Christianity. And Pope Francis I is a Franciscan. That’s why, or at least he honors the Franciscan by taking on the papal name Francis I.
Now, continuing, he says, providentially, however, in the early 16th century, Luther rediscovered the gospel. Martin Luther’s rediscovery of the gospel, that on the authority of Scripture alone, justification is by God’s grace alone, received by faith alone, in Christ alone, and to God only alone be the glory, began and continued to spread like wildfire across all Europe. But it was not until the middle of the 16th century that mystics such as Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order, Teresa of Avila, and John of the Cross were able to develop a system of mysticism in their writings.
So you can see the timeliness of this growing emphasis of Eastern mysticism within the Roman Catholic Church is simply a weapon to defeat the gospel, the Scriptures, whereby we find that salvation is not through visualizations, not with personally uniting oneself to God in all these mystical exercises of the mind, but it was through the gospel. When we read in the Scriptures that Jesus became sin for us and took upon his body the punishment that we were deserving of, and it’s by him that we are made righteous, it puts all the emphasis and power and influence on Christ and takes it away from the papacy, and this is what characterized the Protestant Reformation, this understanding of the gospel, this understanding of the true work of Jesus Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection, the redemption of mankind.
And if man is already redeemed through the shed blood of Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago, just as Daniel prophesied to come, then there’s no need for the Pope, or his priests, or his church, or his Roman Catholic canon law. There’s no need for his Eastern mysticism. There’s no need for the Jesuits. There’s no need for any of it, and there’s certainly no need for the kings of the earth to go about doing his bidding, killing Bible-believing Christians. So the gospel became the object of an all-out warfare between the Roman Catholic Church and those who followed the gospel. This is why the Ignatian way came into existence. This is why the Jesuit order came into existence, to defeat the gospel and to defeat the Protestant Reformation. To get the world focused not on the gospel, but on alternative means of salvation, or uniting oneself with the deity through spiritual exercises, through vain imaginations, through mysticism, and ritual, and every kind of worldly thing. In other words, to destroy the system of grace that God created and replace it with a man-made works means of salvation. That’s the whole purpose of the Jesuit order.
Now it says, Loyola’s spiritual exercises is typical of the mystical movement in the Roman Catholicism, but its genius is that it is an attempt mainly through the imagination to directly connect the thoughts and actions of an individual with what was called the grace of God. Now look, this is so twisted, I can’t even articulate. To replace the gospel with imaginations, with thoughts and actions, rituals, in order to receive the grace of God, you see how they destroy the gospel? He said, thus did these well-known 16th century propagators of mysticism lay out steps by which a person was purportedly to achieve direct personal union with the divine. So through these, it is believed and taught by the Jesuits and others that through these spiritual exercises, you can just ascend right up into heaven and plop yourself down right in the lap of God Almighty. You understand what this is? This is taking over the kingdom of God by force, isn’t it? That’s what Loyola’s spiritual exercises are preparing us to do.
And do you know these spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola are practiced in the Protestant churches? Yes. Do they understand what they’re doing with these visualizations? Under their spiritual instructors, they’re taking heaven by force. Again, he says, Loyola’s spiritual exercises is typical of the mystical movement in Roman Catholicism, but its genius is that it is an attempt mainly through the imagination to directly connect the thoughts and actions of an individual with what was called the grace of God. Thus did these well-known 16th century propagators of mysticism lay out steps by which a person was purportedly to achieve direct personal union with the divine.
What does this have to do with grace? What does this have to do with Jesus Christ and his redemptive act, his precious blood, his sacrifice, his atonement, his mercy, his grace? It completely destroys it and replaces it with the efforts of man. That’s the whole purpose of Roman Catholicism.
Now Richard gives us a summary look at the spiritual exercises. There’s the 19th century author James Aitkin Wylie calls the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola, “a clever but false imitation of genuine spiritual conversion taught in the Bible.” Wiley explains, “To foster the growth of this infant Hercules.” This is a term that he used to describe the Jesuit order, an infant Hercules.
Loyola had prepared beforehand his book entitled Spiritual Exercises. This is a body of rules for teaching men how to conduct the work of their conversion. It consists of four grand meditations and the penitent retiring into solitude is to occupy absorbingly his mind on each of these in succession.
During the space of the rising and setting of seven suns, it may be fitly styled a journey from the gates of destruction to the gates of paradise. Mapping out in stages so that it might be gone in the short period of four weeks, it combines the self-denial and mortification of the Brahman with the asceticism of the anchorite and the and the ecstasies of the school men. It professes, like the Quran, to be a revelation.
“The book of Spiritual Exercises,” says the Jesuit, “was truly written by the finger of God and delivered to Ignatius by the holy mother of God.” The Spiritual Exercises was a body of rules by following which one could effect upon himself that great change which in the biblical theological languages termed conversion. This divine transformation was at that hour taking place in thousands of instances in the Protestant world.
Loyola, like the magician of old who strove to rival Moses, brought with his enchantments to produce the same miracle. So Ignatius Loyola uses his magical, mystical, spiritual exercises to effect the conversion of men who practice these exercises. You might call it a recipe for salvation, a recipe for deification, self-deification through the imaginings of one’s own wicked heart.
And all of it was for the purpose of replacing the Scriptures. You realize at this time the Scriptures had liberated most of Europe from papal tyranny? It had liberated the people from governments that used to work for the Pope, who now worked for the people, when the governments of Europe began to walk away from the papacy, the man of sin, the son of perdition, and proclaim Christ to be their king, and that they were to serve the people and do Christ’s righteousness in the world. The spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola were simply made to replace the Gospel to restore the papal power, the man of sin.
What is the history of Ignatius Loyola submitting to Pope Paul III? Wiley describes how Ignatius Loyola submitted himself and his men to the service of Pope Paul III in Rome.
“The war in which Loyola and his nine companions enrolled themselves when on the 15th of August, 1534, they made their vow in the church of Montmartre was to be waged against the Saracens at first. However, the war which had just broken out between the Republic and the port had closed the gates of Asia. In other words, the Jesuits couldn’t pursue the Saracens. They took this as an intimation that the field of their operations was to be in the Western world, not the Eastern. Returning on their path, they now directed their steps toward Rome. In every town to which they passed on their way to the “eternal city,” they left behind them an immense reputation for sanctity by their labors in the hospitals and their earnest addresses to the populace in the streets. As they drew nigh to Rome, and the hearts of some of his companions were beginning to despond, Loyola was cheered by a “vision” in which Christ appeared and said to him, “In Rome I will be gracious unto thee.” The hopes this vision inspired were not to be disappointed. Entering the gates of the capital of Christendom, that is the Vatican, and throwing themselves at the feet of Pope Paul III, they met a most gracious reception.
The Pope hailed their offer of assistance as most opportune. Mighty dangers at that hour threatened the papacy. This is the reference to the Protestant Reformation. Mighty dangers at that hour threatened the papacy, and with the half of Europe in revolt, that is, revolt against the papacy, and the old monkish orders became incapable, this new and unexpected aid seemed sent by heaven. In other words, the Jesuits were the last hope for the survival of the papacy. Where other religious orders in the Roman Catholic Church were incapable of destroying the Protestant Reformation, of destroying the Bible, and of restoring the papal power, the papacy threw all of its faith, hope, and trust in the Jesuits to accomplish all of those, and to restore the papacy to its prior glory of the 16th century.
The rules and constitution of this new order, the Jesuits, was drafted and ultimately approved by Pope Paul III. Two peculiarities in the constitution of the proposed order specially commended it in the eyes of Pope Paul III. The first was its vow of unconditional obedience. This is where some of the other monkish orders of the Roman Catholic Church fell short, and they weren’t all that extremely valuable to the papacy, but the Jesuits promised Pope Paul III unconditional obedience. This is the only way the papacy survives. Unconditional obedience by its subjects.
The papacy demands unconditional obedience from all of its servants. This is typical of the Antichrist Church. It has nothing to do with faith. It has nothing to do with grace. It has everything to do with works, and obeying the Pope as if it were God on earth.
Now, we’ll continue with the reading and discussion of Richard Bennett on the program tomorrow and continuing days.
I hope and pray you’ll continue to listen and avail yourselves of the immense intellectual and spiritual wealth of Richard Bennett.