The Key to Pope Francis’s Identity – Part III. Master of the Jesuit Spiritual Exercises
This is the continuation of The Key to Pope Francis’s Identity – Part II. Master of the Jesuit Spiritual Exercises by Tom Friess.
You need one thing and one thing only, and that is the written Word of God. It is through the written Word of God that the true Holy Spirit convicts of sin and of righteousness and of judgment. You cannot arrive at Christ’s righteousness, Christ’s truth, any other way than the Scriptures.
And that is what the Jesuits hate the most. They must replace the Scriptures with subjectivity, with vain imaginations, with imaginings, with visions. And this isn’t the first time that the Jesuits have used this tactic. They always use it.
Now, Richard Bennett doesn’t speak about this particular subject at this particular time, but I’m going to interject it. The first time in modern times when the Jesuits used vain imaginations and spiritual imagery was during the Charismatic Movement.
Now, I know that’s going to offend most of my listeners, but the Charismatic Movement replaced the Scriptures with divine revelation by the so-called gift of speaking in tongues. This is when a man in some ecstatic state begins to utter unintelligible words, and then after it’s over, feels like he’s been blessed by God with this gift, and that he feels so good after being washed by this glossolalia, these so-called divine utterings that neither he nor anyone else can understand. It feels so good.
And that is why the Charismatic Movement has failed spiritually, because it relies upon the vain imaginations and the vain gifts that they call of the Spirit. But the gift given by the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost was a way to spread the gospel to foreign nations of foreign-speaking tongues. It was the use of known languages. The speaker was all of a sudden able to speak a language that he had never learned. And that was for the purpose of spreading the gospel to Jews of other lands. The gospel went first to the Jews, then the Gentiles. And there were foreign-speaking Jews in Jerusalem at that time. And so the apostles and the followers of Jesus were gifted, or rather the curse that God placed upon language at the time the Tower of Babel was all of a sudden rescinded, in order that the gospel could spread in their own language to foreign-speaking Jews. And I don’t doubt that those who heard the gospel for the first time in their own language were also able to confirm or interpret what they had heard in their own language to the language of the Jews in Jerusalem, so that Satan could not deceive.
But that’s not the case with the so-called charismatic movement. This language they call a heavenly language, a language of the angels they call it. And no one can understand it. Not the one speaking and not the one hearing. This is why I condemn the charismatic movement as being just another example of Ignatian spirituality, visualizations, ritual, and a phony gospel. Now, the hatred that I’m going to receive from some of my listeners is probably the reason why Richard Bennett doesn’t touch this subject at this time.
But I’m not fearful to do it. Look, let me ask you a question. For those of you out there who supposedly have this gift, why hasn’t this “Holy Spirit” spoken to you in a language that you can understand warning you that the papacy is, was, and always will be the Antichrist of the Bible? Now, wouldn’t you think the Holy Spirit who sits in the portals of glory, a third person of the Godhead, would find it most important to reveal to you that the man who runs the governments of this world is the man of sin, the son of perdition, the Antichrist of the Bible? That he is the one who is guilty of the blood of the saints and the martyrs of Jesus? That this papacy is the one who will be destroyed by the brightness of Christ’s coming? Tell me why that Holy Spirit that you say you possess that empowers you to speak in this gibberish does not tell you, expose to you, or reveal to you the truth about the greatest lie told since the Garden of Eden?
Test the Spirit to see whether it’s of God. Will it condemn the papacy as the Antichrist? Or will it secretly seek to ecumenically reunite with the papacy? Where is your charismatic church going? Is it going back to Rome? I tell you it is. And part of the draw of the charismatic churches back to the Roman Catholic Church is the fact that Roman Catholics can demonstrate this very same so-called gift of speaking in tongue. They believe they are of the same spirit. And I agree with them. And I know that won’t win me friends, but that’s the truth.
And there has to be someone with courage enough to tell you the truth. If you’ve been deceived, you are deceived, and you’re going to continue to be deceived until you rely only upon the written Word of God for your revelation. If you seek to obtain God’s revelation by any other means than the written Word of God, the authorized King James Version of the Bible, you are going to be deceived.
Know Ignatian spirituality in the body of Christ. Don’t be in imagination. We don’t rely upon our own imaginations. We don’t rely upon our own wicked hearts. We can trust only the written Word of God. And that’s what we abide by. That’s how we judge ourselves, and that’s how we judge one another, by the written Word of God. Only it can be trusted. That is, of course, unless you pick up a Jesuit Bible, which has been corrupted.
And that’s any and every Bible except the authorized King James Version. I know that, too, is going to fly in the face of many listeners here at Inquisition Update, but that’s just the way it is. All right.
Continuing now. This is the way Ignatius learned from his reading of the lives of the saints and the mystics, but it’s not the way of Scripture. Rather, Scripture states, “…the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth.” Thus it is a great mercy that God deigns to convict the sinner of his precarious state before the holy God.
The sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ was on behalf of sinners to propitiate God’s wrath against each sinner. The one who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ alone is saved unto eternal life through faith alone in God’s grace alone. How will the unsaved sinner know this if he’s not taught that the Bible alone is the final authority? How will the unsaved sinner know the true gospel if he does not read a Bible or no one tells him? So clearly you can see from Richard Bennett and those of the Protestant Reformation, the great Protestant Reformers, all agreed on this one premise, the Bible alone.
So what is Ignatian spirituality? It’s not the Bible nor anything like the Bible. It’s all about imaginations, about visualizations, about emotions, about works. It’s all about fashioning a God of your own liking.
It has completely overturned the gospel. And it is practiced today even in the Protestant and evangelical churches under the guise of the Alpha Course. But under any guise, it’s straight from the pits of hell.
And the only safe answer in any case is “what saith the Scripture?” That’s the simple answer. What saith the Scripture?
Now Ignatius’ most important endeavor was to lock both the rulers and the common people of the so-called Holy Roman Empire, which was all of Europe, into unquestioning obedience to the Roman Catholic Church. That was Ignatius Loyola’s main objective, to return Protestant Europe into direct and unquestioning obedience to the Roman Catholic Church. So they had to defeat the Bible, and through defeating the Bible, they had to defeat the Protestant Reformation.
And once the Bible is destroyed, the Protestant Reformation crumbles, and then everyone is then again subject to the Holy Roman Pontiff, the man of sin, the son of perdition, the little horn of Daniel, the Antichrist of the Bible. They’ve simply replaced the written Word of God with Ignatius’ man-made visions, the content of the corruptness of man’s mind. Fashioning an image or an idol in the name of Jesus Christ into the image of a man. That’s what it is.
Ignatius Loyola’s primary tactic was to train his men to excellence in various skills and professions with the intent to convert the children of Bible-believing Christians into Roman Catholics. The Jesuits thought the best way to convert all of Europe back to Roman Catholicism was to advance the Jesuits to become the most astute teachers in the universities and the colleges and the high schools. They were experts in every endeavor of life and they became teachers.
And what Bible-believing Christian wouldn’t want a good education for his child? And that’s what Bible-believing Christians did. They sent their children off to the schools that were secretly run by Jesuits. Jesuits who were designed and crafted in order to destroy the Bible and to destroy the Protestant Reformation.
Here we have Protestants sending their children to Jesuit-run schools in order to obtain a good education. His principal book, Spiritual Exercises, was intended to teach people how to reach a mystical union with God as a substitute for real conversion to Jesus Christ. This mysticism is taught even to kindergartners. It forms the basis of the education system in every land. The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola relying upon a person’s artistic abilities, his acting abilities, his storytelling abilities, his abilities to imagine things. The imagination is what is so greatly emphasized in all the schools all over the world.
And that’s just the building blocks of the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola. They’re not interested in objective truth, especially if it comes from the Bible. The Bible’s not permitted in the schools.
The Spiritual Exercises are the curriculum of all the schools. And that’s for the purpose of destroying the Bible, which is for the purpose of destroying the Protestant Reformation, and the default mode at that point is the restoration of the papacy. See how it works? Now, the author continues.
He says, “Without the Gospel, and locked into subjective mysticism, both the priests and the lay people are then without biblical authority, except as mediated to them by their Roman Catholic Church.” In other words, if you’re going to handle the Bible, you must listen to what the Roman Catholic Church says. You’re not encouraged to read the Bible on your own under the leading and teaching of the Holy Spirit. No. If the Bible is the subject of any discussion, it must be in the context of the official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. You have to put on the Church’s glasses in order to be able to read and understand the Scriptures.
So, why bother? Just sit. Enter the Church. Check your brain, your Bible, and your coat at the door. Walk in. Sit down in the pews. Shut up and just listen to whatever the priest says. And when you leave, all you can do is regurgitate what the priest or the priestess says, the official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. So what you get on one hand is spiritual imagery of subjective Ignatian spirituality in the schools.
And what you get in the churches is Roman Catholicism. So it’s 24-7-365 Roman Catholicism. And you can continue to call yourself a Baptist or a Lutheran or a Presbyterian or Protestant even if you want, as long as you are exposed around the clock 365 days a year Roman Catholicism.
That was the goal of the Jesuit Order. That’s why they took over the schools. And that’s why they taught Futurism in the colleges and universities and seminaries to get everyone to think that the Antichrist is not the papacy, but a single individual that comes just before Christ’s return.
You see how complex their attack is on the Bible and on Christianity through Bible-believing Christianity on Protestantism? The Jesuits have thought of everything. It’s only my duty to expose it. Francis, having completed the spiritual exercises, that is Pope Francis I, the Antichrist of the Bible in his time, having completed the spiritual exercises, is now detached, which means he’s free from any disordered attachments. You know what this disordered attachment might be? Personal relationship with Jesus. Been completely detached from Christ.
That’s Ignatian spirituality. That’s the Alpha Course. That is Futurism. It’s all part and parcel of the Jesuit-led Counter-Reformation. Antichrist Pope Francis I is now free of any “disordered attachments” so that all his attachments or desires are supposedly ordered toward God.
So I have to ask you the question now, if he’s detached from Jesus and he’s now ordered toward God, what God is he talking about? Satan. That’s the God of the Jesuit Order. That’s the God of the Papacy. That’s the God of this world.
And they are all in unity attacking the Scripture, the written Word of God. They do it in the schools. They do it in the churches. They do it in the media. They do it in the halls of government. They do it in the halls of justice. Everywhere they do it. And those who maintain the Protestant truth, the Biblical truth, the historical truth, are considered to be religious wackos, fundamentalists, extremists, and enemies of the state. You see how they demonized God’s people? They did the exact same thing during the Dark Ages when the Papacy held sway over all the kings of the earth in the then known world.
Those who held out for Christ, those who held out for the Scriptures were deemed enemies of the state and the Papacy instructed the governments of the world to kill them. And they did. The Jesuits are simply preparing the world for another inquisition.
The demonization of God’s people, that is their business. They cannot hope to rule this world as long as God’s people are still in it. So, the obvious is evident what they are proposing. Now, Pope Francis’ apprising himself to be, in the terminology of the spiritual exercises, one of “Christ’s captains, he now, as Pope, is able to serve God according to the subjective dictates of his own darkened conscience.
He says he serves God. He says he serves Christ. But he serves a figment of his own wicked imagination. Satan’s got him in a terminal grip. And he won’t let go. And you can’t expect anything like a conversion in the life of the Antichrist, the man of sin, the son of perdition, Francis Bergoglio.
Francis Jorge Bergoglio. Pope Francis I. He’s a militia in Satan’s army against the truth. There’s no other way we can take it.
Richard continues. He says, “Therefore, it’s not surprising as Jesuit priest Martin points out, Pope Francis breaks Catholic tradition whenever he wants. Because he is, “from disordered attachments,” according to the subjectivity of his own mindset rather than worshiping or serving God according to the authority of Scripture.
That’s a quote by a Jesuit. Pope Francis is free from any disordered attachments. That means he’s free from the Scriptures.
He’s not only free from the Scriptures, he’s free from Roman Catholic tradition. In other words, Pope Francis I has become a God unto himself. He answers to no authority, not even Roman Catholic authority.
Clearly, the Roman Catholic Church has entered a new phase. With the advent of its first Jesuit pope, it is obviously ruled by an individual rather than by the authority of Scripture alone, or even its own dictates or traditions plus Scripture. In other words, Richard Bennett says, Jorge Bergoglio has literally made of himself a God of gold. He answers to no authority, not even the authority of the Roman Catholic Church.
Under the subtitle Ignatian Spirituality at the Present Time, the author continues. He says the Jesuits are quite active in promoting the spiritual exercising. For example, on their website, comes this quote.
- “The spiritual exercises are a compilation of meditations, prayers, and contemplative practices developed by Saint Ignatius Loyola to help people deepen their relationship with God. For centuries, the exercises were most commonly given as a long retreat of about 30 days in solitude and silence.”
I see we’ve run out of time. We’ll continue with this quote tomorrow on the broadcast.
Thanks for coming. It’s my pleasure and blessing to be here and we’ll continue tomorrow on Inquisition Update. Don’t miss this.
This is critical information for your understanding. It’s been my pleasure to host. I’ll see you tomorrow.