Tag Archives: Alexander the Great
The Church of Rome Ignores the Challenge to Disprove She is the Great Whore of Revelation Chapter 17
All the great Protestants of the past declared that the Great Whore who is drunken with the blood of the saints of Revelation 17 is the Roman Catholic Church.
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Daniel 11 is all about prophecy of future events – future to the time of the prophet Daniel, not us – and one of the hardest passages in the Bible to understand unless you know the history behind it! It’s not about the rise of the Antichrist in an as-yet-unknown time in the future as many people think. Why do they think that? Because that’s what they were taught. And … Continue reading →
Daniel Chapter 2 – An Outline of 2500 Years of World History!
Daniel chapter two is a prophecy of four empires of world history, and three of these empires, the Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman empire hadn’t happened yet!
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