Chuck Baldwin’s Jesuit Preterism Debunked
Chuck Baldwin abandoned the Protestant Historicist interpretation of the book of Revelation for the Jesuit based preterist view which aids and abets Rome!
Continue reading →Chuck Baldwin abandoned the Protestant Historicist interpretation of the book of Revelation for the Jesuit based preterist view which aids and abets Rome!
Continue reading →Pursuing and punishing “heretics” (true believers) was counter-productive. It was clear that the Counter-Reformation needed to take on the very Word of God itself.
Continue reading →Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome is the greatest geopolitical-financial-religious juggernaut that the world has ever seen. She controls many nations on planet Earth.
Continue reading →This article confirms what I have been teaching on this website, namely the great satanic worldwide conspiracy to lead people to worship the Image of the Beast is not primarily led by Jews or Zionists, but by the Vatican and the Jesuit Order. The Jesuits and their co-conspirators are using the Jewish people as scapegoats to blame them for the evils they themselves are doing! I believe the primary source … Continue reading →
the identity of the Antichrist] is proclaimed in II Thess. 2 as BOTH a system AND a person: the ‘man of sin’ and the one who would sit in the ‘temple [Ed.: Greek: “naos”] of God’ calling himself God. And the only one in the pages of history who has done this is the Pope.
Continue reading →And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.
Continue reading →The Church of Rome’s daughters: Ritualistic and apostate Churches, and especially to the High Church sections of the Churches of England and Scotland, and to the Greek and Eastern Churches, which all teach and practice many of the Church of Rome’s doctrines and abominations.
Continue reading →The Church of Rome boasts of being a universal Church. The harlot is seated on many waters, which are nations, and peoples, and tongues.
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