Revelation 11:7-12. Retrospective View Of The Two Witnesses – Part III
Papal war against all the saints and true Bible believers in Christ Jesus. Their death and resurrection.
Continue reading →Papal war against all the saints and true Bible believers in Christ Jesus. Their death and resurrection.
Continue reading →Emperor Constantine who made Christianity the state religion. My good friend Reinhard from the Netherlands wrote this and shared it with me. Many Protestants believe that the Romanization of the Early Church occurred in phases and steps over the centuries; say, in the 4th to the 6th century. And, in a way, it did! But there was certainly a turning point in church history when a switch was definitively turned. … Continue reading →
My one object has been to defeat the mischievous attempt, which was made in 1881 to thrust upon this Church and Realm a revision of the Sacred Text, which recommended though it be by eminent names, I am thoroughly convinced, and am able to prove, is untrustworthy from beginning to end.
Continue reading →the identity of the Antichrist] is proclaimed in II Thess. 2 as BOTH a system AND a person: the ‘man of sin’ and the one who would sit in the ‘temple [Ed.: Greek: “naos”] of God’ calling himself God. And the only one in the pages of history who has done this is the Pope.
Continue reading →Two Jesuits published their respective but quite counter interpretations, Ribera in 1591 published Babylon and Antichrist, the Futurist scheme; the other, Alcasar, the Preterist; that the prophecies have all been fulfilled in the fall of Pagan Rome.
Continue reading →Christ finished the Atonement on Calvary, yet these Roman and High Church priests go through the blasphemous daily sacrifice again.
Continue reading →The Church of Rome’s daughters: Ritualistic and apostate Churches, and especially to the High Church sections of the Churches of England and Scotland, and to the Greek and Eastern Churches, which all teach and practice many of the Church of Rome’s doctrines and abominations.
Continue reading →All the great Protestants of the past declared that the Great Whore who is drunken with the blood of the saints of Revelation 17 is the Roman Catholic Church.
Continue reading →Futurists overlook the fact that the Antichrist is not to be an open and avowed antagonist of Christ, but one professing to be a Vice Christ, a rival Christ; one who would assume the character, occupy in the human heart the place, and fulfill the functions of Christ.
Continue reading →The images before which Roman Catholics bow down, the Mass, worship of the Eucharist, prayers to saints show the Church of Rome as the biggest idolatrous system.
Continue reading →All religious systems ruled by priestcraft have subordinated women to a state inferior to that of men and used them as a means to power.
Continue reading →This is a Bible study that was inspired by a former dispensational Christian Zionist preacher, Steve Gregg, who my wife and I listened to yesterday evening. He has two videos on this subject (at the bottom of this article) totaling nearly 3 hours. This article is an attempt to prove true directly from the Bible and in my own words as succinctly as possible what Pastor Gregg is teaching. I … Continue reading →
n 1519 Martin Luther first called the Pope the Antichrist and later wrote to Pope Leo X and with boldness informed him that he, the Pope, was the Antichrist. The Historicist view was held by all the Protestant Reformers – that is, every major preacher of the gospel on the Protestant side of the Reformation. They all believed that the Papacy was the Antichrist.
Continue reading →Did not Rome Christian became a harlot? Did not Papal Rome ally herself with the kings of the earth? Did it not glorify itself to be as a queen, and call itself the Mistress of the World?
Continue reading →A history of persecutions by the Horn of Daniel chapter 7, the Antichrist, the Popes of Rome who killed Bible believing Christians over the centuries till today!
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