Watchwords for the Warfare of Life, Part 1 Words for the Battle-Field, III. The Weapons of Our Warfare.
Words of wisdom from Martin Luther about the Word of God and living a fruitful life for Jesus Christ.
Continue reading →Words of wisdom from Martin Luther about the Word of God and living a fruitful life for Jesus Christ.
Continue reading →The Roman Catholic Sign of the Cross, touching your forehead with your right hand, indicates allegiance to the Pope!
Continue reading →The Mark of the Beast may be the Sign of the Cross that all Catholics do when they pray.
Continue reading →The Roman Catholic Church says baptism is of absolute necessity for salvation insomuch that infants dying without it cannot be admitted to glory. This is not according to the Bible.
Continue reading →The sacraments instituted by Christ are baptism and the Lord’s supper only. The Church of Rome made seven sacraments in order that it might completely control its people by making them absolutely dependent on the clergy.
Continue reading →Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary was complete in that one offering, and that it was never to be repeated. But the Catholic Church repeats in daily in the Mass.
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