The Papal System – II. The Ancient Irish Church
Interesting history of Patrick’s evangelism of Ireland and the fact the Irish originally were Bible believers and not under the authority of the Roman Pope.
Continue reading →Interesting history of Patrick’s evangelism of Ireland and the fact the Irish originally were Bible believers and not under the authority of the Roman Pope.
Continue reading →Well researched reasons why the King James Version of the Bible is the most accurate translation in English, and a shocking account of apostate Lutherans who reject it!
Continue reading →Temporal power is a root-prerogative of the Papacy. With or without his crown, the Pope, so long as he exists, will be a Great Temporal Power.
Continue reading →Modern translations of the New Testament that are not based on the Textus Receptus are not pure as the King James Version. They are based on corrupt manuscripts.
Continue reading →Papal Rome has waged relentless war on the Holy Bible and on Bible-believing Christians for centuries. First, she tried to destroy all the Bibles she could find, and to murder those possessing, printing, or distributing Bibles! When her frontal assault failed, she took a different tactic: undermining the authority of the Bible, and trying to replace the 1611 King James Bible with the newer “Bible” versions
Continue reading →Europe in the Middle ages was filthy because the Catholic Church forbid the people to read the Bible. They didn’t know the importance God puts on cleanliness.
Continue reading →All the great Protestants of the past declared that the Great Whore who is drunken with the blood of the saints of Revelation 17 is the Roman Catholic Church.
Continue reading →This article is from a PDF file on It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine and edited by former Roman Catholic priest, Leo Herbert Lehmann. 1. The Bible And The People THE OFFICIAL ATTITUDE of the Roman Catholic Church, concerning the Bible is a puzzle to most people and needs clarification for all fair-minded Christians. This attitude is so hesitant and contradictory that, even on the face of … Continue reading →
William W. Gothard Jr. (born November 2, 1934) is an American Christian minister, speaker, and writer, and the founder of the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP), an independent fundamentalist Christian organization. His conservative teachings encourage Bible memorization, large families, homeschooling, aversion to debt, familial patriarchy, the submission of wives to husbands, and modest attire.At the height of Gothard’s popularity during the 1970s, his Basic Youth Conflicts seminar was regularly … Continue reading →
–BY Jim Henry I read this article long ago some in the 1980s. It helped me greatly to overcome the grudges and bitterness I used to have toward various people for their perceived wrongs against me. If you have bitterness in your heart toward anyone, I urge you to read it! When I was bitter toward a person, it was like a spiritual acid in my soul. I learned over … Continue reading →
I once thought I was too smart to believe in God. Now I know I was an arrogant fool who snubbed the greatest Mind in the cosmos—the Author of all science, mathematics, art, and everything else there is to know.
Continue reading →Pope Francis engaging in idol worship. This article is about the history of errors by the Church of Rome, written by George Burnside. I didn’t agree with one of his points and omitted it, the one about “Sunday worship.” The Bible tells me that the disciples met on the first day of the week – Sunday. The Sabbath was the last day of the week. Acts 20:7 And upon the … Continue reading →
A man asks, Why Do Jews Not Believe Jesus As Messiah? I need an answer from the Jews themselves.
Continue reading →Hermeneutics is the theory and methodology of interpretation of biblical text. They are all based on common sense.
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