The Pope – Chief of White Slavers, High Priest of Intrigue
Former Catholic priest Jeremiah J. Crowley exposes the Popes of Rome as evil tyrants whose interest is only money and power over as much of the world as possible.
Continue reading →Former Catholic priest Jeremiah J. Crowley exposes the Popes of Rome as evil tyrants whose interest is only money and power over as much of the world as possible.
Continue reading →I first posted this article about drugs and medicine in 2015, but when I came across it the other day, I saw the video was no longer available. I found another copy of the video on YouTube and so I’m re-posting it today. If the video is not visible on your phone, you can open it by clicking on this link. Transcription. (Each paragraph is a different person talking.) What … Continue reading →
Solid science from a noted Japanese doctor and scientist that COVID-19 vaccines have injured people to the point of causing their deaths.
Continue reading →Europe in the Middle ages was filthy because the Catholic Church forbid the people to read the Bible. They didn’t know the importance God puts on cleanliness.
Continue reading →This is a transcript of a press conference called by Japanese physicians. Throughout the decades when I lived in Japan, it’s been my observation that most Japanese are honest people and are not easily deceived by the media. When they encounter difficulties, they’ll do an honest investigation of the problem and won’t be easily swayed by others. Transcript We are the General Incorporated Association of the Vaccine Injuries Study Group. … Continue reading →
Dr. Robert Malone, co-inventor of the mRNA technology explains how ten’s of thousands of physicians & scientists are being canceled simply for questioning the official Covid-19 narrative. The text of the video is below in case YouTube removes the video. Our government is out of control. And they are lawless. They completely disregard bioethics. They completely disregard the federal common rule. They have broken all the rules that I know … Continue reading →
On March 4th, 2016 I hitchhiked 100 kilometers or about 60 miles to the city of Tokamachi. It is a city in the midst of hills. The Shinano River which is the longest river in Japan flows through Tokamachi. It’s called “Shinano” for that was the old name of Nagano Prefecture which is its source. But in Nagano Prefecture the same river is called Chikuma. The first driver was a … Continue reading →