The Pope – Chief of White Slavers, High Priest of Intrigue
Former Catholic priest Jeremiah J. Crowley exposes the Popes of Rome as evil tyrants whose interest is only money and power over as much of the world as possible.
Continue reading →Former Catholic priest Jeremiah J. Crowley exposes the Popes of Rome as evil tyrants whose interest is only money and power over as much of the world as possible.
Continue reading →Increasing doubts about the Bible in the 1870s led to increasing faith in science and the new technology. The devastation of the Civil War in America gave way to optimism about the progress of man. The United States began a period of economic and geographical expansion which did not abate until the reunification of Vietnam in l975.
Continue reading →The four postulates of Creation compared with the four postulates of Evolution. The latter four all proven to be false.
Continue reading →In two hundred years the Roman Catholic Church in the United States has increased from the smallest to the largest church in the nation.
Continue reading →All religious systems ruled by priestcraft have subordinated women to a state inferior to that of men and used them as a means to power.
Continue reading →When I was a kid I dreamed of being a scientist someday. It turns out I wasn’t good enough in mathematics to become one. I respect true scientific researchers, people like Dr. James Tour for example. He’s an American chemist and nanotechnologist, a Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Materials Science and Nanoengineering at Rice University in Houston, Texas. And he’ll tell you in his podcasts he loves Jesus more than … Continue reading →
Richard Dawkins is deluded as all atheists. There is no design without a designer, nothing was made without a maker.
Continue reading →My good friend Jim Gibson sent me his book, An Appeal to Reason. It’s a great read about examining the evidence of origins in the evolution versus creation debate. Some of the topics: The complexity of living systems The testimony embedded within the fossil record The historical and cultural proofs of man and dinosaurs as being contemporaries The fallacies inherent in the interpretation of radiometric dating The complete shambles of … Continue reading →
by Jeremy James C.S.Lewis is well known among born-again Christians as a ‘Christian’ writer, someone whose inclusive religious viewpoint is of particular relevance to the world we live in today. I would hope to show that this perception of Lewis is not only gravely mistaken but that it arose through deliberate misdirection on the part of Lewis himself. In 2008, after 33 years as an active participant in the New … Continue reading →
Brother J, do you believe the earth is flat? Some of my friends do. What is your view on it? Yes I think it’s flat May I ask why you think so? Mathematically, scientifically, conspiratorially, and biblically. You can pick any one lol I was raised in the Midwest USA. Please explain why I cannot see the Rocky Mountains with a telescope from a harvested cornfield in the fall. Because … Continue reading →
On March 4th, 2016 I hitchhiked 100 kilometers or about 60 miles to the city of Tokamachi. It is a city in the midst of hills. The Shinano River which is the longest river in Japan flows through Tokamachi. It’s called “Shinano” for that was the old name of Nagano Prefecture which is its source. But in Nagano Prefecture the same river is called Chikuma. The first driver was a … Continue reading →
Dawkins mocks God for creating “junk DNA” but years later he says all DNA is doing something and yet he doesn’t apologize to God.
Continue reading →Science has become the new religion. Those who dare challenge the dictates of “science” are often declared crackpots, pseudo-scientists, or just plain crazy.
Continue reading →John Lennox is an Irish mathematician and philosopher of science who is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford. He’s also a Bible believing Christian. I really enjoyed and appreciated his debate with famous atheist Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion. In that book Dawkins questions whether Jesus actually existed as an historical figure. In this debate he concedes that Jesus did exist.
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