Calvinism’s Surprising Catholic Connection – By Dave Hunt
There is no question that Calvin imposed upon the Bible certain erroneous interpretations from his Roman Catholic background.
Continue reading →There is no question that Calvin imposed upon the Bible certain erroneous interpretations from his Roman Catholic background.
Continue reading →Nothing is more characteristic of Rome than the worship of relics. Wherever a chapel is opened, or a temple consecrated, it cannot be thoroughly complete without some relic or other of he-saint or she-saint to give sanctity to it. The relics of the saints and rotten bones of the martyrs form a great part of the wealth of the Church.
Continue reading →Christians who support Israel have been deceived by false teachers of God’s Word! God’s promise to the children of Israel was contingent on their obedience.
Continue reading →“There was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies.” This was surely fulfilled when the Pope assumed the title of Christ’s Vicar on earth.
Continue reading →Between the fourth and the fifth trumpet , is that period of time in history between the extinction of the old government at Rome and the rise of Mohammed.
Continue reading →The Scriptures are full of warnings and admonitions to keep us all on the narrow path and by Scripture to reprove, correct and instruct in righteousness.
Continue reading →The official doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, is that it alone is the true church, that all other churches and religious groups are in error, either heretical or pagan, and that such churches and groups have not even the right of existence.
Continue reading →The Catholic Church requires that its priests, & nuns abstain from marriage. It’s not to be confused with the vow of chastity – abstention from sexual relations.
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