Calvinism’s Surprising Catholic Connection – By Dave Hunt
There is no question that Calvin imposed upon the Bible certain erroneous interpretations from his Roman Catholic background.
Continue reading →There is no question that Calvin imposed upon the Bible certain erroneous interpretations from his Roman Catholic background.
Continue reading →Nothing is more characteristic of Rome than the worship of relics. Wherever a chapel is opened, or a temple consecrated, it cannot be thoroughly complete without some relic or other of he-saint or she-saint to give sanctity to it. The relics of the saints and rotten bones of the martyrs form a great part of the wealth of the Church.
Continue reading →Christians who support Israel have been deceived by false teachers of God’s Word! God’s promise to the children of Israel was contingent on their obedience.
Continue reading →“There was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies.” This was surely fulfilled when the Pope assumed the title of Christ’s Vicar on earth.
Continue reading →Between the fourth and the fifth trumpet , is that period of time in history between the extinction of the old government at Rome and the rise of Mohammed.
Continue reading →The Scriptures are full of warnings and admonitions to keep us all on the narrow path and by Scripture to reprove, correct and instruct in righteousness.
Continue reading →The official doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, is that it alone is the true church, that all other churches and religious groups are in error, either heretical or pagan, and that such churches and groups have not even the right of existence.
Continue reading →The Catholic Church requires that its priests, & nuns abstain from marriage. It’s not to be confused with the vow of chastity – abstention from sexual relations.
Continue reading →The doctrine of papal infallibility appeals to many people who are poorly informed. They know practically nothing about the Bible. Consequently, they have no sound theology on which to base their actions.
Continue reading →Nothing has contributed more to discredit belief in God and the redemptive work of Christ than this attempt of Roman Catholic theologians to prove their dogmas by their trick syllogistic reasoning. It has driven many to atheism or complete agnosticism. Worst of all, it has caused many millions of well-intentioned and sincere seekers after God to lapse into religious indifferentism.
Continue reading →The Sabbath was a day of rest and not specifically designated as a day of worship! In the books of Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy, there are 8 verses with the words Sabbath and rest. The word worship is not in any of them.
Continue reading →True Protestantism is Bible based Christianity. The Jesuit Counter-Reformation is the effort to eliminate Protestantism and Bible based doctrines entirely.
Continue reading →Pope Francis engaging in idol worship. This article is about the history of errors by the Church of Rome, written by George Burnside. I didn’t agree with one of his points and omitted it, the one about “Sunday worship.” The Bible tells me that the disciples met on the first day of the week – Sunday. The Sabbath was the last day of the week. Acts 20:7 And upon the … Continue reading →