The Pope – Chief of White Slavers, High Priest of Intrigue
Former Catholic priest Jeremiah J. Crowley exposes the Popes of Rome as evil tyrants whose interest is only money and power over as much of the world as possible.
Continue reading →Former Catholic priest Jeremiah J. Crowley exposes the Popes of Rome as evil tyrants whose interest is only money and power over as much of the world as possible.
Continue reading →A wise society takes God’s Word as the basis for justice. Society is now witnessing the tragic consequences when men throw out God’s Word or simply ignore it.”
Continue reading →The Vatican is posing as Snow White, but the Bible calls her, “the great whore”. She uses government agency branches in all nations including the USA.
Continue reading →George Washington When watching the Youtube video on my other page, The Founding Fathers of America: All opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I came across a stunning revelation: (Quoted from ) “Our first President, George Washington, died a Catholic. While he lay on his deathbed he sent his slaves across the Potomac to bring back his close friend, Father Leonard Neal, S.J. Neal (a Jesuit priest!) spent … Continue reading →
Watch this educational well made factual documentary based on the very writings of the founding fathers of the United States of America, men like Thomas Paine, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, etc., and you will see that America was not founded by godly Bible believing men to be a Christian Protestant nation, but by men who actually opposed the Gospel of Christ calling it “blasphemously obscene” and … Continue reading →