Tag Archives: health
Death by Medicine – Truth About Pharma Drugs, by Gary Null
I first posted this article about drugs and medicine in 2015, but when I came across it the other day, I saw the video was no longer available. I found another copy of the video on YouTube and so I’m re-posting it today. If the video is not visible on your phone, you can open it by clicking on this link. Transcription. (Each paragraph is a different person talking.) What … Continue reading →
Scenes of the Philippines
There are photos below the text. On Friday, June 21st, I turned 74 years old. I’m thankful to my Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, for reasonably good health at my age, normal blood pressure, no arthritis, and no diabetes as my father had, and for being completely off medication of any kind. And I’m especially blessed to have a ministry of sharing God’s truth, His Word, and the true views … Continue reading →
Why Europe in the Middle Ages Was So Filthy
Europe in the Middle ages was filthy because the Catholic Church forbid the people to read the Bible. They didn’t know the importance God puts on cleanliness.
Continue reading →Japanese Doctors Warn About the Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccines
This is a transcript of a press conference called by Japanese physicians. Throughout the decades when I lived in Japan, it’s been my observation that most Japanese are honest people and are not easily deceived by the media. When they encounter difficulties, they’ll do an honest investigation of the problem and won’t be easily swayed by others. Transcript We are the General Incorporated Association of the Vaccine Injuries Study Group. … Continue reading →
NWO Insider Dr. Richard Day Reveals the New World Order Plan
Dr. Richard Day Dr. Richard Day revealed New World Order plans in 1969. As we enter the new year 2024, let’s count how many of these 55 points in their plans have come to pass. My comments are in parenthesis after some of them. This article started with a video of the recollections of Dr. Lawrence Dunegan regarding a lecture he attended on March 20, 1969, at a meeting of … Continue reading →
Science Confirms the Truth of the Bible
True scientific discoveries confirm the truth of the Bible. The very first verse in the Bible, Genesis chapter one verse one, has a profound meaning in physics. Genesis 1:1 ¶In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Einstein’s space-time continuum verifies Genesis 1:1. Before “the beginning” there was no time, there was no heaven – space – and there was no earth – matter. Time, space, and matter … Continue reading →
On the Sacrament of Extreme Unction – By Martin Luther
To this rite of anointing the sick our theologians have made two additions well worthy of themselves. One is, that they call it a sacrament; the other, that they make it extreme, so that it cannot be administered except to those who are in extreme peril of life. Perhaps— as they are keen dialecticians—they have so made it in relation to the first unction of baptism, and the two following … Continue reading →