Protestant Historicism – The Key to Daniel and Revelation
A Presentation Ministry of the Great Protestant Historical Interpretation of the Visions of Daniel and the Book of Revelation.
Continue reading →A Presentation Ministry of the Great Protestant Historical Interpretation of the Visions of Daniel and the Book of Revelation.
Continue reading →The abandoning of the Protestant identity of our nation is reflected in the loss of patriotism and by an increasing disregard for our history and heritage.
Continue reading →I consider this article a key resource to understand why and how eschatology as understood by the evangelical world today is all messed up! If you are waiting for the “rise of the Antichrist” I highly urge you to read this! It is not long. I copied it from a 10 page PDF file somebody either sent me or I found on the Internet. It quotes a lot from an … Continue reading →
n 1519 Martin Luther first called the Pope the Antichrist and later wrote to Pope Leo X and with boldness informed him that he, the Pope, was the Antichrist. The Historicist view was held by all the Protestant Reformers – that is, every major preacher of the gospel on the Protestant side of the Reformation. They all believed that the Papacy was the Antichrist.
Continue reading →A history of persecutions by the Horn of Daniel chapter 7, the Antichrist, the Popes of Rome who killed Bible believing Christians over the centuries till today!
Continue reading →The doctrine of Futurism exposed as pure speculation and a false interpretation of the 70th Week of Daniel.
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