The CIA – Vatican Connection
The Vatican / Jesuit connection to the CIA. The American government has been under the control of the Catholic church for a long time, over 100 years.
Continue reading →The Vatican / Jesuit connection to the CIA. The American government has been under the control of the Catholic church for a long time, over 100 years.
Continue reading →I found a talk by Larry Alex Taunton that I like on my friend’s website Global Depopulation by WEF Mr. Taunton has very interesting things to say about Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum. He gives the history and the motivation behind it. Larry Alex Taunton (born, May 24, 1967) is an American author, columnist, and cultural commentator. He has personally engaged some of the most outspoken opponents of Christianity, including … Continue reading →
If you missed part 1, please read it before this. by Sherman H. Skolnick April 20, 2005 ACHTUNG! If you have frayed nerves or a weak stomach, you should press DELETE now and take your nerve pills. You may or may not well digest what you read here. A well-informed author on the topic of the Vatican is reportedly coming out with a well-put-together book, showing that the late Pope … Continue reading →
Catholic church authorities cooperated in persecuting its own priests and people during WW2 because they refused to fall in with its political plans as set by Rome.
Continue reading →This 1946 speech by a former Roman Catholic priest gives great insights into the Russian-Ukrainian conflict today.
Continue reading →Germany’s Catholic bishops have acknowledged that they were “complicit” in allowing the Nazis to rise to power and stood by while they launched World War II
Continue reading →Hitler and the Roman Catholic church agree on the basic principles of fascism and the necessity of ridding national branches of the church of all liberal political elements.
Continue reading →Rulers of Evil – Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies by F. Tupper Saussy is one of the most enlightening books about the political world that I have ever read. I guarantee that if you read it, you will see the world in a totally different light. To borrow a metaphor from the film “Matrix”, you will choose to take the “red pill” by reading this book, even reading just the … Continue reading →