The Foundations Under Attack The Roots of Apostasy
The apostasy in the twentieth century; the compromise on essentials and the attack on the fundamentals actually have their roots in the nineteenth century.
Continue reading →The apostasy in the twentieth century; the compromise on essentials and the attack on the fundamentals actually have their roots in the nineteenth century.
Continue reading →Dr. Richard Day Dr. Richard Day revealed New World Order plans in 1969. As we enter the new year 2024, let’s count how many of these 55 points in their plans have come to pass. My comments are in parenthesis after some of them. This article started with a video of the recollections of Dr. Lawrence Dunegan regarding a lecture he attended on March 20, 1969, at a meeting of … Continue reading →
The UN and Vatican are pushing the climate change scam to help bring about their new world order of global governance – no more God-given rights, only government “privileges.”
Continue reading →Christian J. Pinto discusses the dark spiritual forces behind the immoral agenda in America, and how it relates to certain philosophies that are found in the ancient mystery beliefs of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and the occult groups that practice the ancient mystery religions. Partial transcription of the podcast Okay, praise the Lord you guys and welcome. I’m Chris Pinto. This is Noise of Thunder Radio. We have those who are in … Continue reading →
The European Union is not even trying to represent Christianity. They are trying to overthrow Christianity. They hate Christianity. That’s why they’re promoting sodomy and Sharia law and trying to advance the Muslims and fill up all the countries with as many Muslim migrants as they possibly can to sabotage Christian civilization. So what had been for centuries, the Christian standard is going to be done away with and replaced by something else, some kind of socialist, Sharia form of government.
Continue reading →Let’s examine the issue of homosexuality from a Biblical standpoint, delving into gay lifestyles, practices and inroads into modern society, in an attempt to discover why God equated the practice of homosexuality with the ancient wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
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