What To Do About Christians Who Vote Democrat?
I’m voting for someone who’s going to make policies that Christians and non-Christians will live under, including my children and my grandchildren.
Continue reading →I’m voting for someone who’s going to make policies that Christians and non-Christians will live under, including my children and my grandchildren.
Continue reading →This is a transcript of a press conference called by Japanese physicians. Throughout the decades when I lived in Japan, it’s been my observation that most Japanese are honest people and are not easily deceived by the media. When they encounter difficulties, they’ll do an honest investigation of the problem and won’t be easily swayed by others. Transcript We are the General Incorporated Association of the Vaccine Injuries Study Group. … Continue reading →
Information is not a property of matter. Matter is merely a carrier. When the progress of transmission events of information is traced backwards, it leads to a mental source, the mind of the sender
Continue reading →The AI chatbot concedes it’s not likely that a natural process can create a detailed picture of a person in sand but also says, “the genetic code encoded in DNA can arise through natural processes such as mutation, recombination, and selection” in spite of the fact a living cell is indescribably far more complex than a detailed picture of a person in sand.
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