What history books don’t tell you about the American Civil War
Abraham Lincoln blamed the American Civil War on the Jesuits, the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church!
Continue reading →Abraham Lincoln blamed the American Civil War on the Jesuits, the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church!
Continue reading →Leo Herbert Lehmann (1895-1950) was an Irish author, editor, and director of a Protestant ministry, Christ’s Mission in New York. He was an accomplished priest in the Roman Catholic Church who later in life converted to Protestantism and served as the editor of The Converted Catholic Magazine. He authored magazine articles, books and pamphlets, condemning the programs and activities of the Roman Catholic Church.(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Herbert_Lehmann 1942 Second, enlarged edition.. April, … Continue reading →
Written by William Dean A. Garner. I found this article on http://projectcamelotportal.com/blog/80-william-dean-garner/1923-1850s-switzerland-was-the-jesuits-proving-ground-for-the-establishment-of-today-s-america and wanted to re-post it for the readers of this website. Before the Jesuits invaded any one country and destroyed it from within, they rehearsed their machinations, often practicing on smaller countries and her population of We The People, adjusting their tactics as necessary, then refining them over the years. Often, the Jesuits would take 10 or more … Continue reading →
To attract people to the Roman religion, it is necessary to foment superstition; And this is why all modern superstitions have their origin among the Jesuits.
Continue reading →George Washington When watching the Youtube video on my other page, The Founding Fathers of America: All opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I came across a stunning revelation: (Quoted from http://catholicism.org/george-washington-died-a-catholic.html ) “Our first President, George Washington, died a Catholic. While he lay on his deathbed he sent his slaves across the Potomac to bring back his close friend, Father Leonard Neal, S.J. Neal (a Jesuit priest!) spent … Continue reading →
The ensign of the East India Company from 1707-1801. It has 13 stripes just like the American flag The East India Company (EIC), originally chartered as the Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies, and more properly called the Honourable East India Company, was an English, and later (from 1707) British joint-stock company, formed to pursue trade with the East Indies but that ended up … Continue reading →
This book has key pieces to the puzzle of how the Vatican has taken over the world through the Knight Templars, Illuminati, Jesuits, Freemasons, Knights of Malta, Rosicrucians and other secret groups. Yes folks, these groups are all connected with the center being Rome, the Vatican. “All roads lead to Rome” is true today as it ever was. I deem the author Frederick Tupper Saussy to be a good honest … Continue reading →
Ignatius of Loyola, the first Superior General. I took from Wikipedia a list of Superior Generals of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and made a chart showing which Popes reigned during that particular Jesuit General’s rule. A Jesuit General is also known as the “Black Pope” and the existing Pope is called the “White Pope.” As you see there have been more Popes, 50 totaled, compared to only 30 Jesuit … Continue reading →
From my research and materials people have been sending me, I have been thinking more and more that all roads indeed do lead to Rome, and specifically to the Vatican! Can you think of any State that has had such sway of the minds of so many for such a long history as the Holy Roman Empire had, and continues to have to this day? Their temporal power only appears … Continue reading →
Samuel Morse Most people still remember Samuel Morse (April 27, 1791 – April 2, 1872) as the inventor of the telegraph — the first long distance electronic means of communication. But how many people have known of his research of a conspiracy by the Roman Catholic Church to usurp the liberties Americans enjoy because of the American Constitution? You may call this conspiracy theory if you want, but know that … Continue reading →
The Japanese government was afraid of the Jesuits and the foreign overthrow of Japan which is why they didn’t allow any visitors to their country for 200 yearss.
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