The Relation of Church and State
The popes of Rome believe they are above all civil governments and laws! Moreover, they believe all governments and rulers must submit to them!
Continue reading →The popes of Rome believe they are above all civil governments and laws! Moreover, they believe all governments and rulers must submit to them!
Continue reading →The Great Schism In the Christian Church in 1054 AD is the true beginning of the papacy and the Roman Catholic Church.
Continue reading →Not only popes of Rome, but all the priests and anyone who does not acknowledge Jesus’ Blood shed for our sins as our means of salvation is an Antichrist.
Continue reading →Postscript to “Horae Apocalypticae;” on the Pope’s own Testimony to the Fact of the completed Expiration in 1867 of the 1260 Predicted Years of Papal Dominancy in the Kingdoms of Western Christendom.
Continue reading →There are photos below the text. On Friday, June 21st, I turned 74 years old. I’m thankful to my Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, for reasonably good health at my age, normal blood pressure, no arthritis, and no diabetes as my father had, and for being completely off medication of any kind. And I’m especially blessed to have a ministry of sharing God’s truth, His Word, and the true views … Continue reading →
Supplemental History Of The Adversaries Of The Church. Satanic Agency of Pagan Rome.
Continue reading →Between the fourth and the fifth trumpet , is that period of time in history between the extinction of the old government at Rome and the rise of Mohammed.
Continue reading →The 144,000 of Revelation 7 is pointing to the true spiritual body of Christ’s elect people, undistinguished by man, but marked by the eye of the all-seeing God.
Continue reading →Modern Bible translations diminish the divinity of Christ & undermine the Atonement. They are also markedly ecumenical, lending support to Roman Catholic dogma.
Continue reading →My one object has been to defeat the mischievous attempt, which was made in 1881 to thrust upon this Church and Realm a revision of the Sacred Text, which recommended though it be by eminent names, I am thoroughly convinced, and am able to prove, is untrustworthy from beginning to end.
Continue reading →The abandoning of the Protestant identity of our nation is reflected in the loss of patriotism and by an increasing disregard for our history and heritage.
Continue reading →I’ve covered in other articles how the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 has been falsely interpreted to be an End-time event by most evangelicals today. However, because I kept hearing false interpretations about it from people close to me, I felt the need to write something short and thought-provoking to try to lead my fellow brothers and sisters to a deeper and correct understanding of what Jesus was saying to … Continue reading →
The doctrine of papal infallibility appeals to many people who are poorly informed. They know practically nothing about the Bible. Consequently, they have no sound theology on which to base their actions.
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