Hermeneutics: The Principles for Proper Interpretation of the Bible
Hermeneutics is the theory and methodology of interpretation of biblical text. They are all based on common sense.
Continue reading →Hermeneutics is the theory and methodology of interpretation of biblical text. They are all based on common sense.
Continue reading →The historical roots, theological basis, and political consequences or political agenda of Christian Zionism
Continue reading →An excellent talk about what Dispensationalism is, the history behind it, and why it is a set of false heretical eschatological doctrines.
Continue reading →Christians Zionism is heresy taught in the Scofield Reference Bible which is promoted by the Dallas Theological Seminary.
Continue reading →By Kevin A. Lehmann I got this from a PDF file somewhere on https://whtt.org/ It’s one of the most complete exposés of the origin of Christian Zionism that I’ve ever read. Does your church teach Christian Zionism and dual covenant theology—a separate plan of redemption for Jews and Gentiles? Is it truly Scriptural? Are we under a biblical mandate to support and stand with the modern day nation of Israel … Continue reading →
Daniel 11 is all about prophecy of future events – future to the time of the prophet Daniel, not us – and one of the hardest passages in the Bible to understand unless you know the history behind it! It’s not about the rise of the Antichrist in an as-yet-unknown time in the future as many people think. Why do they think that? Because that’s what they were taught. And … Continue reading →
It seems to me the first thing that pops up into a Christian’s mind today when he or she hears the word “rapture,” is a rescue from persecution and tribulation from the Antichrist. I see no such promise in the entire Bible. The scriptures tell me otherwise. 2 Timothy 3:12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Daniel 7:21 I beheld, and the same … Continue reading →
n 1519 Martin Luther first called the Pope the Antichrist and later wrote to Pope Leo X and with boldness informed him that he, the Pope, was the Antichrist. The Historicist view was held by all the Protestant Reformers – that is, every major preacher of the gospel on the Protestant side of the Reformation. They all believed that the Papacy was the Antichrist.
Continue reading →You may not have heard of the theological term, “Dispensationalism,” or even if you have, you may not know how to define it. But even so, if you are a Bible believer and a follower of Jesus Christ, the chances are high that your views of the Endtime have been tainted by Dispensational doctrines. What is Dispensationalism? Dispensationalism is a method of Bible interpretation that was devised by John Nelson … Continue reading →
I often find inspiration for a new article or Bible study when I see someone post something on social media that I consider to be in error. We should be lovers of truth. When we see something not according to the Scriptures, we should want to correct in love those that are in error. One of my friends wrote on Facebook: On May 14, 1948 Israel was reborn as a … Continue reading →
Dispensationalism is the root of several false doctrines: Zionism, pre-tribulation rapture, a difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven.
Continue reading →The story of the development of pretribulationism is a tangled one. From its inception in the early 1800s, there has been a deliberate attempt to cover up its origins. And the cover up continues to this day.
Continue reading →The doctrine of a difference between the Kingdom Heaven and the Kingdom of God is connected to the doctrine of dispensationalism which John Nelson Darby taught and which was promoted by C. I. Scofield in the Scofield Reference Bible. That Bible has had a profound (and negative) influence on the thinking of millions of American Christians. Scofield in the Scofield Reference Bible says: “The kingdom of God is to be … Continue reading →