Poisoning The Catholic Bible With Anti-Semitism
The popes of Rome , the Vatican and the Jesuits want you to think New World Order conspiracy is “Judaeo-Masonic” to deflect blame away from themselves!
Continue reading →The popes of Rome , the Vatican and the Jesuits want you to think New World Order conspiracy is “Judaeo-Masonic” to deflect blame away from themselves!
Continue reading →The popes of Rome are the primary sources of antisemitism. True Bible believing Christians do not hate the Jewish people but neither should we support Zionism.
Continue reading →This article is from chapter 17 of “Out of the Labyrinth: The Conversion of a Roman Catholic Priest” by former Roman Catholic priest Leo Herbert Lehmann, first published in 1947 and made available online by The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry LutheranLibrary.org. It’s good to share with Catholics. And if you were not raised a Catholic, it will give you insights about the Catholic mindset and why they pray to Mary … Continue reading →
Religion can uplift its devotees only if its worship is upward, if the image and object of its devotion are above the level of man. It is an historic fact that religions which have descended to the deification of creatures, whether of men or animals, have degraded, enslaved and impoverished their believers.
Continue reading →To discover those who destroy true Christian teaching, you must look behind the banner of Christ they brazenly flourish. In this way you can expect to find the Antichrist usurping the place of Christ.
Continue reading →No conversion of priest or layman from Roman Catholicism is complete without full acceptance that the Gospel of Jesus Christ reveals that through faith in Jesus Christ man is actually invested with the very righteousness of God.
Continue reading →At ordination secular priests merely signify that they accept the Church’s condition for ordination that they will not get legally married. They take no vow of chastity, that is, they make no explicit promise to refrain from sexual relations.
Continue reading →The Apostle Peter plainly decreed that the method of governing the Christian Church must not be patterned after that of Caesar. The popes of Rome totally disregard Peter’s admonition.
Continue reading →I was offline for a week to get a broken bone fixed. Now I’m back to work! This article is from chapter 31 of “Out of the Labyrinth: The Conversion of a Roman Catholic Priest” by former Roman Catholic priest Leo Herbert Lehmann, first published in 1947 and made available online by The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry LutheranLibrary.org. Leo Herbert Lehmann (1895-1950) was an Irish author, editor, and director of … Continue reading →
Introduction: This article is from a PDF file on LutheranLibrary.org. It was published by The Converted Catholic Magazine and edited by former Roman Catholic priest, Leo Herbert Lehmann. There are two articles from the magazine in this post. The original title of the first article is A Kingly Priesthood [Peter’s Doctrine] THOSE WHO INSIST that Peter was the first Pope (a Roman Catholic doctrine) entirely disregard the fact that he … Continue reading →
Catholic church authorities cooperated in persecuting its own priests and people during WW2 because they refused to fall in with its political plans as set by Rome.
Continue reading →Fasces in the U.S. House of Representatives. The fasces is an ancient Roman symbol, derived from the Latin word “fascis,” which means “bundle.” We get the word fascism from that word, the symbol of government authority, specifically ROMAN government authority. This article is from the Converted Catholic Magazine of which former Roman Catholic priest, Leo Herbert Lehmann (also known as L.H. Lehmann) is the editor. I don’t have a bio … Continue reading →
Hitler and the Roman Catholic church agree on the basic principles of fascism and the necessity of ridding national branches of the church of all liberal political elements.
Continue reading →The unchanging goal of the Catholic Church is the restoration of its status as the only legally recognized Church in Christendom. To attain it, liberal democratic constitutions must be continuously opposed and a type of civil government eventually established in all countries that would extend protection only to the Roman Catholic Church.
Continue reading →This article was taken from chapter 2 of Leo H. Lehmann’s book, “Behind the Dictators A Factual Analysis of the Relationship of Nazi-Fascism and Roman Catholicism” Leo Herbert Lehmann (1895-1950) was an Irish author, editor, and director of a Protestant ministry, Christ’s Mission in New York. He was an accomplished priest in the Roman Catholic Church who later in life converted to Protestantism and served as the editor of The … Continue reading →