The Church’s Rule of Faith
The Word of God, the Sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule of faith and obedience for all true believers.
Continue reading →The Word of God, the Sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule of faith and obedience for all true believers.
Continue reading →The Great Schism In the Christian Church in 1054 AD is the true beginning of the papacy and the Roman Catholic Church.
Continue reading →Exsurge Domine (Latin: Arise O Lord) is a papal bull issued on 15 June 1520 by Pope Leo X. It was written in response to the teachings of Martin Luther which opposed the views of the papacy. It censured forty one propositions extracted from Luther’s 95 theses and subsequent writings, and threatened him with excommunication unless he recanted within a sixty day period commencing upon the publication of the bull … Continue reading →
“I now know and am sure that the Papacy is the kingdom of Babylon, and the power of Nimrod the mighty hunter.” – Quote from Martin Luther
Continue reading →The believing soul, by its faith in Christ, becomes free from all sin, fearless of death, safe from hell, and endowed with eternal life in Jesus Christ.
Continue reading →Papal war against all the saints and true Bible believers in Christ Jesus. Their death and resurrection.
Continue reading →The departure of the Bristish royal family from their constitutional identity and duty as faithful Protestants had been seen in their fraternising with Roman Catholics. Prince Charles had attended Mass on more than one occasion with Catholic friends and was prevented from participating in the Pope’s private Mass only by command of the Queen.
Continue reading →Catholic Church says “In the confessional the minister has the power to forgive all crimes committed after baptism.” The Bible says only God can forgive sins.
Continue reading →John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, Zwingli all preached that Jesus was the Christ and that the ROMAN PAPACY was the ANTICHRIST of Scripture.
Continue reading →This is the continuation of the previous chapter of Roman Catholicism by Lorraine Boettner. 1 What Tradition Is Protestantism and Roman Catholicism agree that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. But they differ widely in regard to the place that it is to have in the life of the church. Protestantism holds that the Bible alone is the authoritative and sufficient rule of faith and practice. But Romanism … Continue reading →
The best book to share with your Catholic relatives and friends to witness to them as to the unbiblical, unscriptural doctrines and practices in their church.
Continue reading →A THOROUGH UNDERSTANDING of Roman Catholicism is not possible without a grasp of the peculiar structure of its system of moral theology. It is the key to its world wide political power.
Continue reading →God’s people of the past correctly identified the Antichrist. Most of God’s people today don’t have a clue and are only speculating who it could be.
Continue reading →History identifies Mystery Babylon in its current form as the Vatican. The Jesuits say Jerusalem is Babylon to deflect blame from the Pope and Roman Catholic Church.
Continue reading →No professing Roman Catholic, believing in the doctrines of papal supremacy and infallibility, can be loyal to any form of government but the papal only.
Continue reading →We don’t have to accept the abuses of our constitutional liberties! We can pray that the Lord will defeat any government policy that is against our morals.
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