Tag Archives: muslims
The Significance to the USA of Mexico’s Cinco de Mayo Celebration
The significance of the Mexican celebration of Cinco de Mayo in regards to thwarting Jesuit plans to take over the United States of America.
Continue reading →C.I. Scofield: Father of the Heresy of Christian Zionism
By Kevin A. Lehmann I got this from a PDF file somewhere on https://whtt.org/ It’s one of the most complete exposés of the origin of Christian Zionism that I’ve ever read. Does your church teach Christian Zionism and dual covenant theology—a separate plan of redemption for Jews and Gentiles? Is it truly Scriptural? Are we under a biblical mandate to support and stand with the modern day nation of Israel … Continue reading →
Immigration Warfare
Biden is a globalist knows his job in the White House is to advance and further the global agenda, which includes immigration warfare.
Continue reading →I Will Curse Them That Bless Thee – Message by Dr. Chuck Baldwin
By pronouncing a blessing on the antichrist Israel, America and the churches and pastors of this country are guilty of bringing the wrath of God upon them because we are making ourselves partaker of the antichrist evil works!
Continue reading →Top Ten Quran Verses for Understanding ISIS
I have met many kind Muslims in Japan, people who went out of their way for me and picked me up when I was hitchhiking. Most of them are from Pakistan and a few from Bangladesh, India and Indonesia. I visited a ship from Turkey once and was treated to dinner by the ship’s captain who was a Muslim. And I have a Facebook friend from Bosnia who is Muslim. … Continue reading →
Rescued by two Muslim men from Pakistan on a rainy day
July 16, 2012: The previous day I sprained my back while on the road in Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture. This morning when rising at 5:20 a.m. from the bed in the capsule hotel where I spent the night, an excruciating lower back pain greeted me. It was difficult to stand up and walk. To make matters worse, though I expected the weather to be fair and sunny, a low pressure … Continue reading →
A Muslim’s testimonial of conversion to faith in Christ
A Muslim meets Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in prison! I was really touched by this young man’s message. I showed it to the folks who attend our Sunday evening fellowship meeting. Everybody was impressed. I hope you appreciate it too!
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