Religious Liberty and Persecution – Part I
The Bible not does not teach or allow persecution of unbelievers under any circumstances; for persecution is wholly contrary to the Spirit of Christ, and is of Satan.
Continue reading →The Bible not does not teach or allow persecution of unbelievers under any circumstances; for persecution is wholly contrary to the Spirit of Christ, and is of Satan.
Continue reading →The Great Schism In the Christian Church in 1054 AD is the true beginning of the papacy and the Roman Catholic Church.
Continue reading →“There was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies.” This was surely fulfilled when the Pope assumed the title of Christ’s Vicar on earth.
Continue reading →Supplemental History Of The Adversaries Of The Church. Satanic Agency of Pagan Rome.
Continue reading →The 144,000 of Revelation 7 is pointing to the true spiritual body of Christ’s elect people, undistinguished by man, but marked by the eye of the all-seeing God.
Continue reading →Pope Pius IX declared: “Education outside of the Catholic Church is heresy.” But the Catholic Church Parochial School System is what teaches heresy!
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