What a former Roman Catholic Priest has to say about the Papal System
No professing Roman Catholic, believing in the doctrines of papal supremacy and infallibility, can be loyal to any form of government but the papal only.
Continue reading →No professing Roman Catholic, believing in the doctrines of papal supremacy and infallibility, can be loyal to any form of government but the papal only.
Continue reading →This article lists the 8 top selling Bible translations in the USA. The KJV is ranked number 2. Do they all teach the same things about the prophecy of the 70th Week of Daniel? I consider the correct translation of Daniel 9:27 to be of utmost importance. Why? It’s because most contemporary Protestant evangelicals believe the “he” of Daniel 9:27 is the Antichrist, a secular humanist who makes an Endtime … Continue reading →
World War II, the Third Reich, and the Holocaust, were all birthed by Rome and the Jesuits as an integral part of this agenda. The horrors of Adolf Hitler, a Vatican puppet created by the Jesuits, as was shown by the ghost writer of Mein Kampf, a Jesuit priest named Bernard Stampfle, along with henchmen and monsters like Heinrich Himmler, a Jesuit seminarian, Jews were forced to find a place where they would not be persecuted.
Continue reading →The Apostle Peter plainly decreed that the method of governing the Christian Church must not be patterned after that of Caesar. The popes of Rome totally disregard Peter’s admonition.
Continue reading →An outline of the Protestant Reformation which Martin Luther started on October 31st, 1517, when he nailed his Ninety-five Theses on a church door in Wittenburg Germany.
Continue reading →The influence of the Jesuits over Hollywood during its so-called “Golden Age”. Evidence of the way in which the Roman Catholic institution pursues its never-ending objective of conquering the world, in particular what could be called the “Protestant world”, by seeking to harness and make use of the most powerful entertainment medium the world has ever known: the movie industry.
Continue reading →The Vatican is posing as Snow White, but the Bible calls her, “the great whore”. She uses government agency branches in all nations including the USA.
Continue reading →Peace of Westphalia was the treaty that settled the Thirty Years’ War which took place between 1618 and 1648. It was a conflict between Protestants & Catholics.
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