Popery The Foe of the Church and of the Republic
The history of the pagan practices of the Roman Catholic Church which continue to this day.
Continue reading →The history of the pagan practices of the Roman Catholic Church which continue to this day.
Continue reading →The ancient Churches of Ireland, England, and Scotland, loving an open Bible, and cultivating purity and love, by the testimony of friends and foes, paid no deference to papal authority; knew nothing of the prince of the apostles or his successors, and were as independent of the See of Rome as any Protestant Church of the nineteenth century.
Continue reading →Interesting history of Patrick’s evangelism of Ireland and the fact the Irish originally were Bible believers and not under the authority of the Roman Pope.
Continue reading →The Bishop of Rome claims absolute and lasting kingship over all the churches of Christ on earth; and he presumes to assert that he has exercised this authority by the gift of Christ from the first planting of Christianity.
Continue reading →The Pope leads this huge global institution of the Catholic Church. There’s over a billion Catholics. He has ready access to them through encyclicals, through sermons that priests and bishops give. So because of that, and because I think he’s sort of prominently dressed and presented as a religious figure in a world that takes that seriously, he’s surrounded by a media circus of incredible intensity and attention.
Continue reading →The American people are being taken on one of the longest Trojan horse rides of history. We are being duped by our leaders who have been conspired against us. The declining American standard of living has been planned from the beginning. It is the result of planning at the very highest levels of America. A plan to fail, a plan to create insecurity and uncertainty, a plan to make the American people serfs in the New World Order.
Continue reading →Former Catholic priest Jeremiah J. Crowley exposes the Popes of Rome as evil tyrants whose interest is only money and power over as much of the world as possible.
Continue reading →This is an outstanding series of lectures exposing the Roman Catholic Church as “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” of Revelation 17:5.
Continue reading →The sin of the old Chaldean king was venial compared with that of his modern representative. The Vatican Mount has for ages been the scene of orgies more impious, more blasphemous, and more obscene, than any which the imperial Palatine ever knew, or any that shook the walls and roof of the royal palace of Babylon on that night, when the tumult was stilled at once and for ever, by the writing of the hand of doom.
Continue reading →The locality the fifth vial was to smite was the “seat,” or, as it is in the original, the “throne” of the beast: Rome, the papacy.
Continue reading →We now come to discuss the question of time. There is a certain period fixed by God between the birth and death of every man. The same Providence, by an irresistible decree, has numbered the days of the Man of Sin. Between his appearance above the dark flood, and his descent into his burning grave, an interval will elapse of twelve hundred and sixty years. This number occurs in the Apocalypse, in connection with the existence of Antichrist, not less than five times.
Continue reading →It is the ecclesiastical hierarchy which we take to be here symbolized. The vision brings the Pope again before us; in the beast of the sea he is seen as the ruling head of the ten Papal kingdoms; here he is beheld as the ruling head of the Papal clergy. This beast rose out of the earth—the symbol of the western empire in its tranquilized state had two horns like a lamb.
Continue reading →The Apocalypse is, in brief, a history of the Church, written in grand symbolical characters, extending from the year when John saw it, which we take to have been A.D. 96, till the second and glorious return of Christ to Judgment.
Continue reading →The woman of Rev 17, the apostate church, is the same entity as the great city of Babylon that reigns over the kings of the earth, found in Rev 18. There is only one church that history shows to have made the claim of authority over the kings of the earth. That church is the Roman Catholic Church, and Babylon is the code word for the city of Rome.
Continue reading →There has been continual conflict in the Middle East. The bombing, bloodshed, crying, and the misery of war never seem to stop. Why do they continue fighting? What is the purpose of continuing this senseless killing?
Continue reading →The last popes have been praised not only by Roman Catholics but by evangelical and fundamental Protestants. Does the papacy deserve such praise?
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