Insights of World War II, the Creation of Israel, & the Purpose of the United Nations
With the creation of Israel by the UN the Jesuits hoped to cause such bloodshed there that the world would cry out for a peacemaker – the Pope.
Continue reading →With the creation of Israel by the UN the Jesuits hoped to cause such bloodshed there that the world would cry out for a peacemaker – the Pope.
Continue reading →Three American presidents were assassinated in office because they openly defied the Pope’s right to rule dictate national policy to them.
Continue reading →Well researched reasons why the King James Version of the Bible is the most accurate translation in English, and a shocking account of apostate Lutherans who reject it!
Continue reading →Words of wisdom from Martin Luther about the Word of God and living a fruitful life for Jesus Christ.
Continue reading →The system has been converted into a code. It exists, not as a body of maxims or principles, though in that shape its influence would have been great: it exists as a body of laws, by which every Romish ecclesiastic is bound to act, and which he is appointed to administer. This is termed CANON LAW.
Continue reading →The pope is the undisputed earthly god of Roman Catholicism. He is called, “God Upon Earth” and “Our Lord God the Pope,” whose ex cathedra pronouncements on doctrine and practice are claimed to be infallible:
Continue reading →A crowned priest now sat upon the Seven Hills of Rome. To occupy a seat overshadowed by the loftier throne of the emperors would not satisfy the vast ambition of the pontiffs, and accordingly there was now commenced the struggle for the temporal supremacy.
Continue reading →In a shocking statement to an ecumenical conference, Pope Francis said, “There’s only one God, and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Some are Seikh, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, and they are different paths [to God].”
Continue reading →If we know the Apocalyptic name of the System, that will lead us to the name of the head of the system. The name of the System is “Mystery” (Rev 17:5)
Continue reading →And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. – Revelation 13:14
Continue reading →And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
Revelation 13:11
If the head be corrupt, so also must be the members. If the Pope be essentially Pagan, what else can be the character of his clergy?
Continue reading →The Church of Rome, at its first planting, had the divinely bestowed gift of a Scriptural ministry and government; and then “its faith was spoken of throughout the whole world”; its works of righteousness were both rich and abundant. But, in an evil hour, the Babylonian element was admitted into its ministry, and thenceforth, that which had been intended as a blessing, was converted into a curse. Since then, instead of sanctifying men, it has only been the means of demoralising them, and making them “twofold more the children of hell” than they would have been had they been left simply to themselves.
Continue reading →In the Church of Rome, the clothing and crowning of images form no insignificant part of the ceremonial. The statues have garments put on them from time to time.
Continue reading →The priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church may in fact be the false prophet of Revelation chapter 13. Many things they teach are downright blasphemous doctrines.
Continue reading →The Roman Catholic Sign of the Cross, touching your forehead with your right hand, indicates allegiance to the Pope!
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