The Pope And World Peace
The ultimate aim of the Roman Catholic church is to reestablish its dominion over all nations.
Continue reading →The ultimate aim of the Roman Catholic church is to reestablish its dominion over all nations.
Continue reading →ROMAN CATHOLICS will not believe how much their own church has been opposed to the Jesuits, and think that anti-Jesuitism is the product of Protestant intolerance
Continue reading →True Protestantism is Bible based Christianity. The Jesuit Counter-Reformation is the effort to eliminate Protestantism and Bible based doctrines entirely.
Continue reading →Pope Francis engaging in idol worship. This article is about the history of errors by the Church of Rome, written by George Burnside. I didn’t agree with one of his points and omitted it, the one about “Sunday worship.” The Bible tells me that the disciples met on the first day of the week – Sunday. The Sabbath was the last day of the week. Acts 20:7 And upon the … Continue reading →
God’s people of the past correctly identified the Antichrist. Most of God’s people today don’t have a clue and are only speculating who it could be.
Continue reading →Pope Francis is first and foremost a Jesuit. As a Jesuit, he is known to be cunning as a fox. He believes in his absolute authority. He seeks control of the entire world through the climate change scam and the economic problems the Vatican itself created.
Continue reading →I think that most Protestant Christians today have been deceived as to who the Pope of Rome really is. This post may offend some people, but perhaps it may help wake up the sleepers. It was taken from “The Pope – Chief of White Slavers, High Priest of Intrigue” – By Jeremiah J. Crowley, a Roman Catholic priest for 21 years. He wrote it in 1913. Do you think the … Continue reading →
The story of the papacy is much more abominable than we all believed. The Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre is the greatest crime of modern times. – Lord Acton
Continue reading →History identifies Mystery Babylon in its current form as the Vatican. The Jesuits say Jerusalem is Babylon to deflect blame from the Pope and Roman Catholic Church.
Continue reading →The woman of Revelation 17:4 arrayed in purple and scarlet is the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church, the bishops and cardinals.
Continue reading →No professing Roman Catholic, believing in the doctrines of papal supremacy and infallibility, can be loyal to any form of government but the papal only.
Continue reading →Most evangelicals today are teaching false Endtime doctrines based on a false interpretation of Daniel 9:27. Futurism originated with a Jesuit priest Francesco Rivera in the 16th century.
Continue reading →The erroneous belief that Russia is Magog can be traced back to a small group of 18th and 19th century theologians who wrote long before the primary evidence from the ancient Assyrian records was discovered, translated and made available to the public.
Continue reading →Without exception all the leaders of the Protestant Reformation looked at the Popes of Rome as the man of sin who sits as God in the temple of God – the Church – shewing himself that he is God.
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