Counterfeit Christianity
To discover those who destroy true Christian teaching, you must look behind the banner of Christ they brazenly flourish. In this way you can expect to find the Antichrist usurping the place of Christ.
Continue reading →To discover those who destroy true Christian teaching, you must look behind the banner of Christ they brazenly flourish. In this way you can expect to find the Antichrist usurping the place of Christ.
Continue reading →I’ve heard from several sources how important J.A. Wylie’s works on the history of Protestantism are. One person called Wylie the “best of the best” author on this subject. I got the text from It was done long ago the old-fashioned way using Microsoft FrontPage which nobody uses anymore because it does a lousy job. It’s hard to read the article on that website not only from a phone … Continue reading →
No conversion of priest or layman from Roman Catholicism is complete without full acceptance that the Gospel of Jesus Christ reveals that through faith in Jesus Christ man is actually invested with the very righteousness of God.
Continue reading →The Apostle Peter plainly decreed that the method of governing the Christian Church must not be patterned after that of Caesar. The popes of Rome totally disregard Peter’s admonition.
Continue reading →If there had been no John Huss there would have been no Martin Luther. And if there had been no Martin Luther then there would have been no Protestant Reformation and recovery of the gospel.
Continue reading →The Vatican is an organizational weapon in the hands of the papacy and other top ecclesiastical officials. Religious ideology has increasingly become subordinated to organizational imperatives.
Continue reading →The Vatican is posing as Snow White, but the Bible calls her, “the great whore”. She uses government agency branches in all nations including the USA.
Continue reading →Peace of Westphalia was the treaty that settled the Thirty Years’ War which took place between 1618 and 1648. It was a conflict between Protestants & Catholics.
Continue reading →Many Christians know a bit of the history of the Protestant Reformation that began with Martin Luther in 1517. But how many know about the Roman Catholic reaction to the Protestant Reformation, also known as the “Counter-Reformation”? How many Christians have even heard of the Counter-Reformation? Not many! And why? It’s because the leadership of the Counter-Reformation have done a bang-up job of undermining Protestant churches and seminaries with false … Continue reading →
It seems to me the first thing that pops up into a Christian’s mind today when he or she hears the word “rapture,” is a rescue from persecution and tribulation from the Antichrist. I see no such promise in the entire Bible. The scriptures tell me otherwise. 2 Timothy 3:12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Daniel 7:21 I beheld, and the same … Continue reading →
Did not Rome Christian became a harlot? Did not Papal Rome ally herself with the kings of the earth? Did it not glorify itself to be as a queen, and call itself the Mistress of the World?
Continue reading →A history of persecutions by the Horn of Daniel chapter 7, the Antichrist, the Popes of Rome who killed Bible believing Christians over the centuries till today!
Continue reading →Jesuits have infiltrated government agencies such as the CDC, educational institutions, and Protestant churches and seminaries to mislead the public. It was the Pope, the Vatican and the Jesuits who promoted Covid vaccinations which have undetermined the health of the public.
Continue reading →The papal system is the most powerful, evil, and longest lasting organization that ever existed on earth!
Continue reading →The fourth Kingdom of Daniel chapter 7 is the Roman Empire. It continues to this day through the Vatican, the so called Holy See.
Continue reading →Unbeknownst to most evangelicals today, the Endtime doctrines they are teaching are based on Jesuit fabrications designed make Protestant and Baptist Christians stop thinking of the Popes of Rome as the fulfillment of prophecies of the Antichrist, the man of sin, son of perdition.
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