The Jesuit Roman Pope Francis I
Insights about the first openly Jesuit pope of Rome, the first pontiff from the Americas, the first from the southern hemisphere, and the first from outside Europe in over 1200 years:
Continue reading →Insights about the first openly Jesuit pope of Rome, the first pontiff from the Americas, the first from the southern hemisphere, and the first from outside Europe in over 1200 years:
Continue reading →The Popes of Rome banned Bible reading by the laity in Catholic countries. In democratic countries, the competition of Protestantism has forced the Catholic church to adopt a different policy toward the Bible. Here it does not forbid Catholics to read it. In fact at times it superficially urges them to do so, knowing that they have been so conditioned that they will not read it anyway.
Continue reading →The Vatican As A Fomenter Of War AMERICANS are being fed with false propaganda that the Pope is an ardent advocate of peace. They are even being led to believe that he is a staunch defender of democracy — at least that he has been at long last converted to the defense of democratic ideals. The irony of the matter is that, while gullible American Protestants are swallowing this propaganda, … Continue reading →
The union of the church of Rome with the Roman State did not Christianize the State; instead it Romanized the Christian church.
Continue reading →History of the Jesuits by a patriotic American statesman, a former Secretary of the Navy, R.W. Thompson.
Continue reading →This book offers a key to the political situation that shrouds the world. No political event can be evaluated without the knowledge of the Vatican’s part in it.
Continue reading →The Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, are the armed militia of the Roman Catholic Church. They were sanctioned in 1540 by Pope Paul III with one mandate: to defeat Protestantism and regain worldwide Papal rule.
Continue reading →This is a partial transcription of a video below. The speaker is Dr. Bryan Ardis, Alright, I’ll just tell you, people ask me, you have started asking me, “Well, who’s behind all this? Why do you think that they would be so evil? Is Fauci evil? Really? Does he really want to murder people? Joe Biden really want to murder people?” Yeah, they do, actually, it’s obvious they do. Or … Continue reading →