Revelation 11:2-6. Retrospective View Of The Two Witnesses – Part I
An account given by the Covenant Angel of certain witnesses, who throughout the long-continued apostasy would have kept up a testimony for Jesus and His truth.
Continue reading →An account given by the Covenant Angel of certain witnesses, who throughout the long-continued apostasy would have kept up a testimony for Jesus and His truth.
Continue reading →U.S. Army Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris was a member of the 12-man military commission that tried eight of the conspirators in the Lincoln assassination.
Continue reading →Western Church resembled that of treacherous Judah, whose guilt was even more unpardonable than that of backsliding Israel.
Continue reading →The Vatican has been the most powerful institution in Europe, and although its influence declined at the time of the Reformation it made a significant recovery in the past two centuries
Continue reading →The significance of the Mexican celebration of Cinco de Mayo in regards to thwarting Jesuit plans to take over the United States of America.
Continue reading →Modern Bible translations diminish the divinity of Christ & undermine the Atonement. They are also markedly ecumenical, lending support to Roman Catholic dogma.
Continue reading →My one object has been to defeat the mischievous attempt, which was made in 1881 to thrust upon this Church and Realm a revision of the Sacred Text, which recommended though it be by eminent names, I am thoroughly convinced, and am able to prove, is untrustworthy from beginning to end.
Continue reading →Pursuing and punishing “heretics” (true believers) was counter-productive. It was clear that the Counter-Reformation needed to take on the very Word of God itself.
Continue reading →Two great truths that stand out in the preaching that brought about the Protestant Reformation—the “just shall live by faith” and the Papacy is the Antichrist.
Continue reading →Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome is the greatest geopolitical-financial-religious juggernaut that the world has ever seen. She controls many nations on planet Earth.
Continue reading →The Roman Church has attempted to control everything pertaining to marriage. Since marriage was held to be a sacrament, civil marriage was declared to be unlawful.
Continue reading →The Catholic Church requires that its priests, & nuns abstain from marriage. It’s not to be confused with the vow of chastity – abstention from sexual relations.
Continue reading →Roman Catholic people have to struggle with ritualism and superstition, forms and ceremonies which impress the eye but deaden the soul to spiritual truth.
Continue reading →Protestantism is primarily a reassertion of New Testament Christianity, the teaching that salvation is by faith rather than works. Romanism, on the other hand, teaches that salvation depends ultimately upon ourselves, upon what we do, that one can “earn” salvation by obedience to the laws of the church.
Continue reading →The doctrine of papal infallibility appeals to many people who are poorly informed. They know practically nothing about the Bible. Consequently, they have no sound theology on which to base their actions.
Continue reading →You don’t have to fear going to Purgatory after you die because there is no such place! Purgatory is an invention by the Church to keep you under its control.
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