The Two Babylons Chapter VI. Religious Orders. Section II — Priests, Monks, and Nuns
If the head be corrupt, so also must be the members. If the Pope be essentially Pagan, what else can be the character of his clergy?
Continue reading →If the head be corrupt, so also must be the members. If the Pope be essentially Pagan, what else can be the character of his clergy?
Continue reading →I’ve been having exchanges with a brother in Christ who is a Futurist. He believes the prophecy of Daniel 9:27 is an Endtime event, and I believe it was fulfilled in the past. The Devil has deceived many Christians today through ignorance of history and Jesuit false doctrines that have crept into the Church to think prophecies of Daniel, Matthew 24, II Thessalonians 2, and nearly all of the prophecies … Continue reading →
Chapter 18 is the destruction of Babylon by fire of the Papal ecclesiastical state. “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins.
Continue reading →In some Catholic countries where the State is controlled by the church, a court or tribunal was established for the examination and punishment of ‘heretics’.
Continue reading →The apostasy in the twentieth century; the compromise on essentials and the attack on the fundamentals actually have their roots in the nineteenth century.
Continue reading →The Vatican has been the most powerful institution in Europe, and although its influence declined at the time of the Reformation it made a significant recovery in the past two centuries
Continue reading →Chuck Baldwin abandoned the Protestant Historicist interpretation of the book of Revelation for the Jesuit based preterist view which aids and abets Rome!
Continue reading →Futurism denies that the dynasty of Popes is the Antichrist and points instead to a future individual world ruler at the end of the age. It thus postpones most of the prophetic predictions of Scripture including almost all the Book of Revelation into a fragment of time in the indefinite future.
Continue reading →Two great truths that stand out in the preaching that brought about the Protestant Reformation—the “just shall live by faith” and the Papacy is the Antichrist.
Continue reading →Jesuit-controlled Papal Rome is the greatest geopolitical-financial-religious juggernaut that the world has ever seen. She controls many nations on planet Earth.
Continue reading →the identity of the Antichrist] is proclaimed in II Thess. 2 as BOTH a system AND a person: the ‘man of sin’ and the one who would sit in the ‘temple [Ed.: Greek: “naos”] of God’ calling himself God. And the only one in the pages of history who has done this is the Pope.
Continue reading →This is the continuation of the previous chapter of Roman Catholicism by Lorraine Boettner. 1 The Roman Catholic Position The controversial passage in regard to Peter’s place in the Church is Matthew 16:13-19, which reads as follows: “Now Jesus, having come into the district of Caesarea Philippi, began to ask his disciples, saying, ‘Who do men say the Son of Man is?’ But they said, ‘Some say, John the Baptist; … Continue reading →
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.
Continue reading →This is the continuation of the series, Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms – By Albert Close and the previous post in the series, The Final Revelation to Men by Jesus Christ: The Apocalypse. And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. Little doubt the Kings of … Continue reading →
The Church of Rome’s daughters: Ritualistic and apostate Churches, and especially to the High Church sections of the Churches of England and Scotland, and to the Greek and Eastern Churches, which all teach and practice many of the Church of Rome’s doctrines and abominations.
Continue reading →Futurists overlook the fact that the Antichrist is not to be an open and avowed antagonist of Christ, but one professing to be a Vice Christ, a rival Christ; one who would assume the character, occupy in the human heart the place, and fulfill the functions of Christ.
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