Revelation 17 – The Prophetic Portrait of the Church of Rome
The images before which Roman Catholics bow down, the Mass, worship of the Eucharist, prayers to saints show the Church of Rome as the biggest idolatrous system.
Continue reading →The images before which Roman Catholics bow down, the Mass, worship of the Eucharist, prayers to saints show the Church of Rome as the biggest idolatrous system.
Continue reading →History identifies Mystery Babylon in its current form as the Vatican. The Jesuits say Jerusalem is Babylon to deflect blame from the Pope and Roman Catholic Church.
Continue reading →The woman of Revelation 17:4 arrayed in purple and scarlet is the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church, the bishops and cardinals.
Continue reading →Without exception all the leaders of the Protestant Reformation looked at the Popes of Rome as the man of sin who sits as God in the temple of God – the Church – shewing himself that he is God.
Continue reading →The European Union is not even trying to represent Christianity. They are trying to overthrow Christianity. They hate Christianity. That’s why they’re promoting sodomy and Sharia law and trying to advance the Muslims and fill up all the countries with as many Muslim migrants as they possibly can to sabotage Christian civilization. So what had been for centuries, the Christian standard is going to be done away with and replaced by something else, some kind of socialist, Sharia form of government.
Continue reading →Did not Rome Christian became a harlot? Did not Papal Rome ally herself with the kings of the earth? Did it not glorify itself to be as a queen, and call itself the Mistress of the World?
Continue reading →The doctrine of Futurism exposed as pure speculation and a false interpretation of the 70th Week of Daniel.
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