Revelation 16:13, 14. The Three Frogs
The three frogs of the book of Revelation: The Spirits Of Infidel Lawlessness, Of Popery, And Of Priestly Tractarianism, A.D. 1830-1852.
Continue reading →The three frogs of the book of Revelation: The Spirits Of Infidel Lawlessness, Of Popery, And Of Priestly Tractarianism, A.D. 1830-1852.
Continue reading →“There was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies.” This was surely fulfilled when the Pope assumed the title of Christ’s Vicar on earth.
Continue reading →Discovery Of Christ The Saviour. Discovery Of Antichrist The Usurper, A.D. 1513 — 1521.
Continue reading →The doctrine of purgatory says that while God forgives sin, His justice nevertheless demands that the sinner must suffer the full punishment due to him for his sin before he will be allowed to enter heaven.
Continue reading →Catholic Church says “In the confessional the minister has the power to forgive all crimes committed after baptism.” The Bible says only God can forgive sins.
Continue reading →Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
Continue reading →Absolute proofs that the resurrection of Christ was an historical event.
Continue reading →Christianity differs from all other religions in that it does not deal in half measures. It is an ‘either-or’ religion. You are either spiritually alive or dead.
Continue reading →The priest has no right to search out and discover all the secret sins of your life. It is none of his business. God knows your sins. Go to Him and confess them.
Continue reading →–BY Jim Henry I read this article long ago some in the 1980s. It helped me greatly to overcome the grudges and bitterness I used to have toward various people for their perceived wrongs against me. If you have bitterness in your heart toward anyone, I urge you to read it! When I was bitter toward a person, it was like a spiritual acid in my soul. I learned over … Continue reading →
Continued from part II. I would now show how the aforesaid teaching is of benefit to us, in that A) it gives us insight into the names of Christ in Scripture, B) it encourages us to accept him as our Savior, C) it encourages us to accept him as our Friend. A) From this doctrine we may learn one reason why Christ is called by such a variety of names, … Continue reading →
True Protestantism is Bible based Christianity. The Jesuit Counter-Reformation is the effort to eliminate Protestantism and Bible based doctrines entirely.
Continue reading →In the person of Christ do meet together infinite glory and lowest humility. Infinite glory, and the virtue of humility, meet in no other person but Christ.
Continue reading →Salvation is from Christ alone, through faith in God’s Word alone, due to God’s grace alone. Abraham believed God and it was counted to Abraham for righteousness.
Continue reading →We should read the prophecy in 1 Thess 4 as it continues into chapter 5 as the Second Coming of Christ and events that all happen all on the same day!
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