The Roman Catholic Church – the Snow White Hiding Behind Governments
The Roman Catholic Church is Roman pagan religion with a Christian face. It’s the iron mixed with clay in the image of Daniel chapter two.
Continue reading →The Roman Catholic Church is Roman pagan religion with a Christian face. It’s the iron mixed with clay in the image of Daniel chapter two.
Continue reading →Former Roman Catholic Priest Richard Bennett shares his knowledge of Vatican control of the world through legal agreements in text and audio.
Continue reading →The Roman Catholic Church is the continuation of the Roman empire. It is ruling the world through both leftist Socialism and the right Fascism / Capitalism.
Continue reading →The answer to the question in the title of this article is a resounding NO! Johnny Cirucci in his talk with Jim Duke clearly and eloquently explains why the Jews have not infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church. Jim Duke is an investigator of truth and uses his curiosity to expose the New World Order conspiracy and to research the dark agenda of Secret Societies from a Christian view. His website: … Continue reading →
This is chapter 12 and the last chapter of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke The modern Ecumenical Movement at the start involved very very few true evangelicals. On the Protestant side, most of those involved in the early stages of the ecumenical drive to unite “Protestantism” (really non-catholicism) with Rome, were apostate humanists who paid very little attention to the Bible … Continue reading →
The extreme Jesuit Oath to murder all Protestant and Baptist Christians who refuse to acknowledge the Pope as Christ on earth.
Continue reading →Vietnam was a Catholic war. It was never supposed to be an American war, though the Americans were called upon to support the Catholic side. It ended with the Catholic Civil War in the Church and Vatican II (it was not a cause of Vee Poo, but shows the civil war that was going on). On one side were people like Diem (Trad Catholic President of Vietnam), Pope Pius XII, and Archbishop Spellman.
Continue reading →This is an outstanding series of lectures exposing the Roman Catholic Church as “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” of Revelation 17:5. I got the text from PDF file ROMANISM AND THE REFORMATION and posted it here to make it easier to read. If you still doubt the Roman Catholic Church represents Mystery Babylon, rather that knock the idea, why not read at … Continue reading →
Abraham Lincoln was murdered by the Jesuits because he stood against the Vatican’s plans to take over the USA.
Continue reading →This article was taken from chapter 2 of Leo H. Lehmann’s book, “Behind the Dictators A Factual Analysis of the Relationship of Nazi-Fascism and Roman Catholicism” Leo Herbert Lehmann (1895-1950) was an Irish author, editor, and director of a Protestant ministry, Christ’s Mission in New York. He was an accomplished priest in the Roman Catholic Church who later in life converted to Protestantism and served as the editor of The … Continue reading →
A Roman Catholic priest tries to take away young Charles Chiniquy’s Bible because the Catholic church does not want us to learn the Word of God. His father prevents that.
Continue reading →Abraham Lincoln defended Roman Catholic priest Charles Chiniquy in a serious criminal case when Chiniquy was falsely accused of a crime by his bishop. They won the case and the bishop was exposed.
Continue reading →Charles Chiniquy’s negative experience with a Catholic priest who took away the family cow as payment for a Mass.
Continue reading →Luigi Desanctis Definitions: pop·er·y n. The doctrines, practices, and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church. This term is used by Protestants to show opposition for Roman Catholic practices and tenets. That’s why they are called “Protest-ants”. A true Protestant protests the Pope, his cardinals, bishops, priests, and all their pagan practices. If you do not, don’t call yourself a Protestant even though you may call yourself a Christian and are … Continue reading →
Abraham Lincoln blamed the American Civil War on the Jesuits, the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church!
Continue reading →Jeremiah J. Crowley Jeremiah J. Crowley (Ireland, Nov. 20, 1861 — Chicago, Aug. 10, 1927) was an American Catholic priest who left the Catholic Church and exposed Vatican influence in the American government. Crowley was accepted into the Chicago diocese by archbishop of Chicago Patrick Feehan in 1896, but fell out with him and opposed his successor, archbishop James Edward Quigley. He also wrote, “The Pope – Chief of White … Continue reading →