The Church’s Object of Worship
Holy Scripture teaches that the sole Object of Worship is the one true and living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, not the Virgin Mary, not the saints, not images, and not statues.
Continue reading →Holy Scripture teaches that the sole Object of Worship is the one true and living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, not the Virgin Mary, not the saints, not images, and not statues.
Continue reading →The popes of Rome believe they are above all civil governments and laws! Moreover, they believe all governments and rulers must submit to them!
Continue reading →Preparations to make the Pope Infallible.—The Bishop’s Oath.—Their Theory of Government.—Defense of the Ancient Rights of the Papacy.
Continue reading →The Roman Catholic Church demands not only spiritual authority over a nation, but civil authority as well.
Continue reading →On this 4th of July let us be thankful for the brave Christian Founders of America who stood against papal tyranny and stood for liberty. Intelligent men who knew both their God and their enemy.
Continue reading →A former Spanish priest exposes the evils of the Popes of Rome and the Roman Catholic Church
Continue reading →Supplemental History Of The Adversaries Of The Church. Satanic Agency of Pagan Rome.
Continue reading →Popery was not the first form of Christianity introduced into England, but that previously there existed an Apostolic Church in these islands; and that consequently the Reformation was but the rooting out of those noxious weeds which had overrun and all but choked the plant of true Christianity.
Continue reading →Papal war against all the saints and true Bible believers in Christ Jesus. Their death and resurrection.
Continue reading →Note from the webmaster: This article is an opinion piece from the author of Rulers of Evil, F. Tupper Saussy, who passed away from a heart attack at 70 years old in 2007. It’s for information purposes only. I’m not telling you to not give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. I just find his insights interesting. All emphasis is from the author unless otherwise indicated. Many Americans are legally … Continue reading →
The second seal is the beginning of the fall of Rome which is being torn by strife and civil war.
Continue reading →Many of the alternative media broadcast hosts discuss the Jewish neo-conservatives, Zionist Jews, and the Mossad, while, for the most part, ignoring the Jesuit Order, its Knights of Malta, and other Jesuit-controlled agents of Papal Rome that control and steer these groups.
Continue reading →Papal Rome has waged relentless war on the Holy Bible and on Bible-believing Christians for centuries. First, she tried to destroy all the Bibles she could find, and to murder those possessing, printing, or distributing Bibles! When her frontal assault failed, she took a different tactic: undermining the authority of the Bible, and trying to replace the 1611 King James Bible with the newer “Bible” versions
Continue reading →Pope Pius IX declared: “Education outside of the Catholic Church is heresy.” But the Catholic Church Parochial School System is what teaches heresy!
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