Revelation 9:20-21. The Unrepentant State of Western Christendom
Western Church resembled that of treacherous Judah, whose guilt was even more unpardonable than that of backsliding Israel.
Continue reading →Western Church resembled that of treacherous Judah, whose guilt was even more unpardonable than that of backsliding Israel.
Continue reading →Emperor Constantine who made Christianity the state religion. My good friend Reinhard from the Netherlands wrote this and shared it with me. Many Protestants believe that the Romanization of the Early Church occurred in phases and steps over the centuries; say, in the 4th to the 6th century. And, in a way, it did! But there was certainly a turning point in church history when a switch was definitively turned. … Continue reading →
Between the fourth and the fifth trumpet , is that period of time in history between the extinction of the old government at Rome and the rise of Mohammed.
Continue reading →The four living creatures round the throne is the representatives of the Church then in Paradise. “Thou hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tribe, and nation.”
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