Enemies of America Unmasked – By J. Wayne Laurens
Exposing the true enemies of the United States of America: Forces based in Europe, the Jesuit Order and the Vatican.
Continue reading →Exposing the true enemies of the United States of America: Forces based in Europe, the Jesuit Order and the Vatican.
Continue reading →Rulers of Evil – Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies by F. Tupper Saussy is one of the most enlightening books about the political world that I have ever read. I guarantee that if you read it, you will see the world in a totally different light. To borrow a metaphor from the film “Matrix”, you will choose to take the “red pill” by reading this book, even reading just the … Continue reading →
John Todd’s testimonial of his membership in the Illuminati and his involvement in witchcraft and its influence on world leaders today who worship Lucifer as their god.
Continue reading →The Council of Trent was the response of Rome to the Protestant Reformation. Remember—the Protestant Reformation brought us all of the political liberty that we know of today.
Continue reading →The Roman Catholic Church is Roman pagan religion with a Christian face. It’s the iron mixed with clay in the image of Daniel chapter two.
Continue reading →Former Roman Catholic Priest Richard Bennett shares his knowledge of Vatican control of the world through legal agreements in text and audio.
Continue reading →This is chapter 12 and the last chapter of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke The modern Ecumenical Movement at the start involved very very few true evangelicals. On the Protestant side, most of those involved in the early stages of the ecumenical drive to unite “Protestantism” (really non-catholicism) with Rome, were apostate humanists who paid very little attention to the Bible … Continue reading →