The Antichrist: His Portrait and History – Appendix E. Romish Truth and Celibacy
A movement against celibacy was founded with a headquarters in Naples. A large number of priests joined it, but it was put down.
Continue reading →A movement against celibacy was founded with a headquarters in Naples. A large number of priests joined it, but it was put down.
Continue reading →Out of their own mouths Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and Jesuits have convicted the Pope of Rome of being “The Antichrist” of the Word of God.
Continue reading →The Pope: “I claim to be the Supreme Judge and director of the consciences of men. I am the Sole Last Supreme Judge of what is right and wrong.”
Continue reading →Indulgences have been a source of enormous revenue to the Vatican; by appealing to the superstitious fears of their people, high and low, the popes have filled their coffers with gold.
Continue reading →Pope Francis says that we must not judge so-called “pedosexuals” who are sexually attracted to children until we have walked a mile in their shoes.
Continue reading →The Aims of Fascism are most deeply in conflict with those of a free republic like that of the United States. In this effort, the Catholic Church has been plainly no conservator of tradition; it has been an ally—a potent ally—of the forces of destruction.”
Continue reading →Holy Scripture teaches that the sole Object of Worship is the one true and living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, not the Virgin Mary, not the saints, not images, and not statues.
Continue reading →The Word of God, the Sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule of faith and obedience for all true believers.
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