The Church of God
The true biblical meaning of Church, the called out body of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, not a man made organization such as the Roman Catholic Church.
Continue reading →The true biblical meaning of Church, the called out body of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, not a man made organization such as the Roman Catholic Church.
Continue reading →Considering itself superior to the Civil Power, the Roman Catholic Church continues to interfere in the internal policy of governments.
Continue reading →The popes of Rome believe they are above all civil governments and laws! Moreover, they believe all governments and rulers must submit to them!
Continue reading →Preparations to make the Pope Infallible.—The Bishop’s Oath.—Their Theory of Government.—Defense of the Ancient Rights of the Papacy.
Continue reading →The believing soul, by its faith in Christ, becomes free from all sin, fearless of death, safe from hell, and endowed with eternal life in Jesus Christ.
Continue reading →The Roman Catholic Church is an organization that is a state within a state, a state above a state, and a foreign-controlled society within American society.
Continue reading →The Roman Catholic Church is the greatest source of antisemitism. Jews were persecuted by Catholics through the centuries which is why Jews continue to hate Jesus when it was really persecution from Satan.
Continue reading →History of the people who founded the Inquisition and murdered Christians because of their faith in the Bible which was contrary to Roman Catholic doctrine.
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