Teaching the 70 Weeks of Daniel Prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 to Young People at a Church
I was allowed by a church pastor to teach the true interpretation of the 70 Weeks of Daniel prophecy to his flock!
Continue reading →I was allowed by a church pastor to teach the true interpretation of the 70 Weeks of Daniel prophecy to his flock!
Continue reading →Words of wisdom from Martin Luther about the Word of God and living a fruitful life for Jesus Christ.
Continue reading →Nothing in all past history is better authenticated than the fact that the Papacy has claimed supremacy over kings and kingdoms.
Continue reading →The Pope had now made himself absolute master in the Church. There was but one bishop, and Christendom was his diocese. From this one man flowed all ecclesiastical honours, offices, acts, and jurisdiction.
Continue reading →A crowned priest now sat upon the Seven Hills of Rome. To occupy a seat overshadowed by the loftier throne of the emperors would not satisfy the vast ambition of the pontiffs, and accordingly there was now commenced the struggle for the temporal supremacy.
Continue reading →And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
Revelation 13:11
The idolatrous system of the ancient Babylon assumed different phases in different periods of its history. In the prophetic description of the modern Babylon, there is evidently also a development of different powers at different times.
Continue reading →The Roman Catholic Church says baptism is of absolute necessity for salvation insomuch that infants dying without it cannot be admitted to glory. This is not according to the Bible.
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