The Church’s Object of Worship
Holy Scripture teaches that the sole Object of Worship is the one true and living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, not the Virgin Mary, not the saints, not images, and not statues.
Continue reading →Holy Scripture teaches that the sole Object of Worship is the one true and living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, not the Virgin Mary, not the saints, not images, and not statues.
Continue reading →An amusing story of the foolishness of believing God Who created the universe would allow one of His lowly creatures to harm Him.
Continue reading →Considering itself superior to the Civil Power, the Roman Catholic Church continues to interfere in the internal policy of governments.
Continue reading →The popes of Rome believe they are above all civil governments and laws! Moreover, they believe all governments and rulers must submit to them!
Continue reading →Not only popes of Rome, but all the priests and anyone who does not acknowledge Jesus’ Blood shed for our sins as our means of salvation is an Antichrist.
Continue reading →The three frogs of the book of Revelation: The Spirits Of Infidel Lawlessness, Of Popery, And Of Priestly Tractarianism, A.D. 1830-1852.
Continue reading →The 144,000 are those on the commencement of the Apostasy the saint depicted as the subjects of divine grace, elected out of the symbolic Israel and sealed.
Continue reading →A wise society takes God’s Word as the basis for justice. Society is now witnessing the tragic consequences when men throw out God’s Word or simply ignore it.”
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