The Three World Wars of Albert Pike
Are you sure your eschatological beliefs are based on what the Bible actually says? Or are you following an end-time Bible teacher who is repeating the errors he learned from others?
Continue reading →Are you sure your eschatological beliefs are based on what the Bible actually says? Or are you following an end-time Bible teacher who is repeating the errors he learned from others?
Continue reading →The modern state of Israel is a creation of the Rothschild family and Hamas is a creation of Israel.
Continue reading →Pastor Chuck Baldwin I love this message from Pastor Chuck Baldwin and was inspired to take time to transcribe it for busy people who just don’t have time to listen to an hour talk on YouTube. Just reading the text below may inspire you to listen to his entire message from YouTube. This is just a synopsis of his talk so I can claim the Fair Use copyright law. Before … Continue reading →
What is happening today under the Biden administration is simply shocking! The enemies of God, Christ, and the Bible have created a new ideology called “Woke” that teaches everything contrary to what the Bible teaches! The southern border is being flooded with illegal immigrants, inflation is higher, the cost of energy has increased, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, civil liberties in especially the Blue States are trampled … Continue reading →
Forward by the Webmaster: I was inspired to transcribe part of Dr. Chuck Baldwin’s message on the destruction of Jerusalem from a YouTube posted by Liberty Fellowship. I was not asked by Liberty Fellowship to do this. I am receiving no remuneration from them. I think this message is extremely important for all Christians to know. It contains information that I certainly didn’t know. And I think having a message … Continue reading →
An Absolute and Irresistible PROOF OF THE DIVINE ORIGIN OF CHRISTIANITY Including a narrative of the calamities which befell the Jews so far as they tend to verify our Lord’s predictions relative to that event. By George Peter Holford (Written in 1805) “I consider the Prophecy relative to the destruction of the Jewish nation, if there were nothing else to support Christianity, as absolutely irresistible.” –Mr. Erskine’s Speech, at the … Continue reading →