The Vatican Billions – by Avro Manhattan
Bibliographic Notes:
Chapter 2
1. The Times, London, June 26, 1968
2. St. Gregory, Letter 65
3. Willibald, Vita Bonifacii, 14; also Liber Pontificalis
4. St. Gregory, Letters 12-17
5. De Gloria Martyrum, 1.28
6. Bede, 5.20
7. M.151.1181. See also Historia Ecclesiastica
8. Migne M. 89, 1004
9 Ibid.
10. See The Times, London, November 29, 1969
Chapter 3
1. A canon of the Church of St. John de Latran, named Lorenzo Valla, proved that the Donation of Constantine had been a clever deceit by the enterprising Hadrian.
2. See Dollinger’s Fables and Prophecies of the Middle Ages
3. G.H. Bohmer, art. “Konstantinische Schenking,” Herzog, Hauck, Realencyclopadie
Chapter 4
1. Summa de Ecclesia, 94.1
2. Clementia, 9 de jur. ej.
3. Agostino Trionfo and Alvaro Pelayo, theologians of the Papal Court.
Chapter 5
1. Rolls Series, Edition v.318
2. Ed. Hearne, 1774, i,42,48
3. Hutton, Cardinal Rinuccini’s Embassy to Ireland, pp. xxvii-xxix
4. Milman, Lat. Christ. viii,c.vii
5. Of the Papal Bull made to Castille, touching the New World. Given at St. Peter’s Rome, in the year of the Incarnation of our Lord 1493. The fourth day of the Nones of May, the first years of our Popedom, Englished and published by R. Eden in 1577, to be found in Hakluytus Posthumus, printed by William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, London, 1625. For further details see also chapter 11 of the present work.
6. For more details, see Avro Manhattan, 2000 Years of World History, chapter “The Popes and the Discovery of America.”
7. Ap. Martene, ampl. coll. ii, 556 more to come!
Chapter 6
1. Fundationis Eccles., M. Magdal. 1422, Ludewig I.xi, pp. 457-69
2. Ibid. c. 10.
3. Ordun. Ann. 1228.
4. Establissement, Liv. i. chapt. 123.
5. Jur. Prov. Alaman., cap. 351, Ed Schilter, cap. 308.
6. Haddan and Stubbs: Councils of Great Britain, 1.207.8
Chapter 7
1. See also Infessurae Diar. Urb, Roman. Ann. 1484 – Eccard. Corp. Hist. II. 1940.
2. Aquinas, Summa, 2a, 2ae, q. 87. Pupilla Oculi, pt IX, c. 18 sec. am. Summa Angelica, s.v. Decima para. 7, Lyndwood, ed. Oxon, p. 195b.
3. Johann P.P. VIII. Epist. 127
4. Pastor IV, par. 1-589.
Chapter 8
1. Chron. Astens. cap.26, Muratori S.R.I.V. 191
2. P. de Herenthale Vit. Clement VI, ap. Muratori S.R.I.III, ii, 584-7
3. Raynald, loc. cit; Van Ranst, Opusc. de Indulg, p.75; Ricci, Dei Giubulei Universali pp.613
Chapter 9
1. This tribute was faithfully paid until 1789, the year of the French Revolution. This was explicitly set forth in formal legal documents of 1348 and 1592. La Greze, Hist. du Droit dans les Pyreneers, Paris, 1867, p.339
2. Desmaze, Penalties Anciennes, Paris, 1866, pp.31-2
3. See Guillelmi S. Theod. Vit. S. Beri
4. “All destructive vermin – the emissaries of Satan. It is the duty of the Church to defeat the devil in all his manifestations.” See D. Martini de Arles, Tract. de Sperstit, ed. Francof., ad. M. 1581.
5. Magr. Guerin, Vies des Saints.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. The Bull is still preserved in the parish church of Avignonet. It was also related that the church doors, which had been locked, barrel, bolted and nailed up for forty years, opened of their own accord.
Chapter 10
1. Ferraris.
2. H.C. Lea, A History of Auricular Confessions and Indulgences in the Latin Church (London, 1896), vol III.
3. Jo. Gersonia, Opusc. de Indulg. Decima Consid.
4. Lavorii, de Jubilaeo et Indulg. P. ii, cap.c, N. 28; {Po;acchi, Comment in Bull. Urabani VIII, p. 116
5. A mort de Indulgent, I. 163.
6. P. ii. PP. IV. Bull. Inter assiduas, paras 143-5. Pius V, on his accession, confirmed these privileges, but in 1567 he greatly reduced the portentous indulgences. Bull Sicuti bonus, para. 62 (ibid., p. 226)
Chapter 11
1. Bull Unam Sanctam.
2. Cardinal Bellarmine, Opera, Tom I: De RomanoPontefice.
3. In Clement Pastoralia, March 1314
4. Pope Gregory IX to the Emperor Frederick II, October 1236