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Unintended Conversation with an AI Chatbot? — 4 Comments

  1. Very strange and in quite a suspicious way as to what is Shirley really looking for. The conversation never went to where she said she wanted to hear your views and opinions. She would jump to commenting on where you have lived and are living now to browsing in your profile and talking and questioning about Chicago. Then on to more questions and comments as to what work you do which is IT. She is “not technical” but certainly sounds very familiar with website building, codes, and programming. and then “friends”, “before we meet”, then onto sharing selfies with each other so that we can get to know each other better.”
    Wow! Yikes! I agree with your wife Tess that was a good point in this “conversation” to end it with “Shirley.” I think Shirley may be a real person using AI Chatbot to seek out certain targets that she somehow targets for “suspicious” purposes that you also think might be for use in blackmail once things developed as it looks like that is where she was heading toward.
    Wow – scammers really are getting sophisticated and AI is a great helper for them in their activities.
    Thanks for relaying this event James. It is something to look out for!

    • Thank you Jackie for your good comments! When “Shirley” told me she isn’t a technical person and yet tells me all sorts of technical jargon that my wife had never heard of, it clearly sounded like something that would come out of AI Chat GPT. And exchanging selfies? LOL! That’s something only a scammer would say.

  2. Yep, a chinese bot would be my guess. Definitely not a human. I see this all the time. I’ve been writing and editing for more than 30 years and this ain’t no human. Few of these chat functions are human if you ask me.

    • I think so too, Donna. And I think the scammer is not too smart to claim not to be a technical person and yet use the AI bot to spew out technical information that only a technical person would know! That’s what gave it away. It sounded just like what the AI chatbot on my phone would say about web development.

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James Japan