• From despinne on Abraham Lincoln's views about Rome, the Pope, the Vatican, the Jesuits and their influence on American society

    A lot of southerners were Irish Catholics. Just as John F Kennedy was expected to obey the Pope, so were they. In fact, nobody tells Americans what to do–especially whites. That is why Obummer took the last election: put in by brainless blacks and Spanish.

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From mark on The KJV teaches the Trinity

    I am glad you have this information here. I will be back and reference it often. Thanks for placing.

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From James Japan on Who is Fritz Springmeier?

    Persecution is indeed the mark of a true messenger of God according to 2 Tim.3:12. But unlike John Todd, William Cooper, Alberto Rivera, Serge Monast and others, Fritz Springmeier is alive, free from incarceration again! He even has his own blog! The N.W.O. apparently do not consider him a threat to their plans. From where did he get all that information? The public library? It could have been fed to him by agents of the N.W.O.

    When I first heard him speak on the Prophecy Club years ago, I felt something that set me ill at easy. Something about his voice and tone. I now believe it was the witness of the Holy Spirit trying to warm me.

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    • From jal11180 on Who is Fritz Springmeier?

      While Springmeier might be considered as rat poison to Christianity and Judaism, the reality is that his critics are equally Satanic as well, especially people like Texe Marrs, so, in essence, I am convinced that Lucifer is just trying to control not just the left, but the right, middle, AND fringe as well. Things are WAY more complex than even people like Springmeier can comprehend, to say nothing of his critics.

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  • From Glenn on Who is Fritz Springmeier?


    This reminds me a bit of John Todd’s testimony; I believe there was a period of time in his life after he had followed the Lord, that he backslided.. I’ve read some articles in that website by John Torrell. He also discredits Alberto Rivera and others as well.

    The thing though that sticks out to me is that these people (John Todd, Fritz Springmeier, and Alberto Rivera) besides being discredited, also suffered persecution (John and Fritz both were supposed to have committed crimes and were therefore imprisoned, while Alberto Rivera died of an illness that his spouse believes was brought on by Jesuit assassins).

    If John Torrell knows something about these men that we don’t know about then God bless him. Luther, Calvin et al the supposed stalwarts of Protestant Christianity, are wolves in my opinion and the complete opposite of the apostle Paul. They were responsible for killing people AFTER their supposed conversion and break from Catholicism. They may not be Jesuit agents but they have walked right into the Devil’s schemes.


    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From Jette on Move to Fedora 18 Beta from Linux Mint Debian

    Thank you … I was experiencing the exact same error while trying to install Fedora 18. So I tried your suggestion and installed 17 first, then upgraded to 18.

    But your notes are missing the import of the key for Fedora 18. So the complete procedure is:
    su -c ‘yum update yum’
    su -c ‘yum clean all’
    su -c ‘rpm –import https://fedoraproject.org/static/DE7F38BD.txt
    su -c ‘yum –releasever=18 –disableplugin=presto distro-sync’

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
    • From Jette on Move to Fedora 18 Beta from Linux Mint Debian

      … and after the upgrade from 17 to 18 the boot process stopped right after displaying the white logo. All I got was a black screen and a spinning cursor. Searched and found this fix:

      yum reinstall polkit


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    • From James Arendt on Move to Fedora 18 Beta from Linux Mint Debian

      Thank you for sharing that!

      (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From Emil Zarevitz on LOS ILUMINADOS Y LA BRUJERÍA - John Todd's testimonial in Spanish

    Desde cuando los Druidas somos satánicos? Los Druidas servimos al espíritu de la naturaleza. El mal existe, pero sirve para comer. Por eso asesinan los leones y los lobos. Nuestro sentido del “mal” es algo parecido a eso, no más allá de embustes sin fundamento.

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From Pauline Wraith on Who is Greg Szymanski?

    Who does Greg say Jesus is you did not mention that and I like many would be interested?

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
    • From James Arendt on Who is Greg Szymanski?

      Pauline, please read this link: http://www.arcticbeacon.com/greg/headlines/was-the-jesus-story-a-myth/ It’s pretty clear that Szymanski does not regard Jesus as the Word became flesh.

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    • From James Arendt on Who is Greg Szymanski?

      I think it’s better to let Greg tell you that directly. Just listen to the short tape. Maybe if people are curious enough to listen to what he has to say about who Jesus is, they might recognize who Greg Szymanski is.

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      • From Pauline Wraith on Who is Greg Szymanski?

        I started to listen to his tape but was running out of bytes, got to the part where he was talking about a Roman person? Did not hear the rest. One gets very confused when you hear something crazy like that after thinking he was om the ball with the Vatican. Cheers

        (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
        • From James Japan on Who is Greg Szymanski?

          I certainly think so too, Pauline. I was dismayed to hear Greg referring to the Word Who became flesh and dwelt among us, God incarnate as being “Caesarion” the son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra. His attitude is really arrogant in my opinion. He totally disregards the Biblical record, the written Word of God. A man who has been shown so much truth from real Christians and yet rejects it will be far more accountable than the average person in many Asian countries (like Japan) who have never heard the Gospel even once in their lives. But maybe the Lord will still give him an opportunity to wake up. I sure hope so.

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          • From Concerned on Who is Greg Szymanski?

            I went to the link but nothing was there, I realize that this a pretty old post by now. I had read an article he had written about a defector of the mason/illuminated establishment. I wanted to know more about him and where he was coming from and ended up here. I just don’t take whatever someone says as gospel (pun intended ) without learning about the person first. One 5hing in that article that caught me off guard was the fact that that he just gave up the defectors name without hesitation. If the illuminati is as dangerous as everyone says why not keep anonymity?
            Maybe that’s a silly red flag, but I surely wouldn’t want to give my name out to just whoever when I have a wife, and had already be arrested, and supposedly tortured. Just me?? I don’t know. God Bless!
            Sincerely, Concerned

            (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
          • From James Arendt on Who is Greg Szymanski?

            Please read this link: http://www.arcticbeacon.com/greg/headlines/was-the-jesus-story-a-myth/ It’s pretty clear that Szymanski does not regard Jesus as the Word became flesh.

            (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From andy w on Disinformation Agents of the New World Order - David Icke, Alex Jones, Zeitgeist, etc.

    I have thought icke and jones were susspect from the start but gave them a listen.Im at loss who to belive what do I do.

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
    • From James Arendt on Disinformation Agents of the New World Order - David Icke, Alex Jones, Zeitgeist, etc.

      As a general rule of thumb, any high profile researcher is suspect in my mind to be a disinfo agent. It’s only the little guys you might not have heard of who are genuine truth tellers. You might consider such websites as Avenue of Light, http://avenueoflight.com/ and Spiritually Smart http://www.spirituallysmart.com/ to be more accurate sources of alternative news.

      (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From amit kumar on The Meaning of the United Nations Logo

    how it is possible

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  • From James Arendt on Kent Hovind Changes His Position on the Doctrine of Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    Posting an email address on a website invites spam and junk mail. The form sends comments to my email address. I am not trying to hide my identity by not posting my email address. I consider using an invalid email address to be dishonest. If WordPress could identify your yahoo.com address to be false, none of your comments would have appeared on this page or the other one.

    All the knowledge I need to know that is most important is in the Scriptures. I follow the Bible and listen to those who I consider to have a credible testimony, people who died for their truth telling, people like Bill Cooper who confessed he was wrong about the alien issue. If you want to believe there are aliens, that’s your choice, but I see no merit to believe in aliens and can see harm and delusion for those who do believe in their existence. The Antichrist may appear as an alien and deceive the entire world by the fact people consider him to be an alien.

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  • From Take A Gambil on Why I stopped listening to Alex Jones

    Tom has stated on his show numerous times statements to the following effect as shown in parentheses () below.

    (Alex Jones is a gatekeeper for the illuminati)
    This is an interesting idea. A number of people have criticized Alex Jones for presenting only part of the truth. Let’s investigate that some more. But what about Tom ? What else has he said and is it even possible for him to know it?

    Tom states unequivocally that (there are no Alien Life forms anywhere else in the universe).
    Well, how does he know this? Has Tom traveled throughout the entire universe and seen and verified that this is a true statement?

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
    • From James Arendt on Why I stopped listening to Alex Jones

      Who are YOU? Why are you attacking Tom Gambill though there is no mention of him on this website? Your opinions have no weight at all unless you give me some credentials. You apparently have NONE because the Yahoo email address you used was not even valid!

      I am of the opinion that unless the Bible tells me there are aliens from other stars and planets, I don’t have to believe it. These so called “aliens” may very well be demons from another dimension, something the Bible does talk about! Could the Illuminati be trying to set us up for rule by a so called “super intelligent alien” from outer space? I know a lot of credible people who do think so.

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  • From Klaus on Why I stopped listening to Alex Jones

    The enemy is an expert at deception. Remember, when they want to press a controversial issue they immediately start and fund the opposition. Now they control both sides. Alex Jones is controlled opposition. He is Funded by them and controlled. Do not be duped. They want you afraid. Listen to Yeshua in John 16;33, ” Be of Good cheer for I have overcame the World”.

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
    • From Chris Baker on Why I stopped listening to Alex Jones

      He is as controlled opposition for the right as Micheal Moore is for the left. I had enough of these opportunists and hypocrites. I too am concerned about the mindsets of listeners of the Alex Jones show; a show I use to tell people to tune in to; now I tell them to tune out. If you read the comments on his website; it is startling to read the zealotry and hatred that is spewed on there.I once found him informative but now it is like watching a televangelist who is hawking lame products; he should sell Jesus steak knives to go with his American Brand Coffee.

      (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From Sam on KJV the Most Accurate English translation of the Bible

    James, here’s a video I came accross recently about a translation being promoted with a Jewish slant. The wickedness of the translator and the host of the show Sid Roth is staggering. Such liars! False Witnesses! You can be sure this translation is not to be trusted. (youtube.com/watch?v=cf5cImBf8WA)

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  • From Alan on Ron Paul - Why Alex Jones Can Work for the Elite & Expose them

    Ron Paul did not hide the fact that he never expected he would be allowed to win. In fact, he was surprised with his wife that he was elected to Congress in the first place (which she warned could be dangerous)! He was clear that his presidential campaign was educational (And therefore worthwhile). It was successful too, and many of his followers now hold positions that will expose the ruling class further. I don’t know if he has secret membership somewhere, but the fruits of the educational campaign is that hundreds of thousands of young people, and even many older ones, had their eyes opened to how primaries and elections are a farce, and to the money changers of the Federal Reserve. And even better has shown how to apply the Golden Rule to government.

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  • From Sam on KJV the Most Accurate English translation of the Bible

    At the top of the page on the NKJV is the following statement:

    Note (March, 2003): This “discussion” was written and submitted several years ago before I got involved in ‘translation/proofreading’ work. While the new VW-Edition is now finished, and as a result of seeing the various translations side-by-side and word-for-word, the NKJV is now no longer recommended (please read: What Bible Translation to Choose?), this discussion, nonetheless, contains useful information about the NKJV, text origins and such informative issues that are still valid for their own intrinsic worth. However, to be clear: I no longer use the NKJV.

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  • From James Arendt on KJV the Most Accurate English translation of the Bible

    For those people who have a problem with the old language of the KJV, you might want to consider the American King James Version (AKJV) which you can find on


    Unlike the NKJV, the AKJV is in the public domain. It is a simple word for word update from the King James English with only updated spelling and vocabulary changes. There are no changes in the grammar because that could alter the doctrine. — Paraphrased quote from the AKJV website.

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From Sam on KJV the Most Accurate English translation of the Bible

    Hi James, You and others may find this link interesting as some of the info comes at things from another angle, i.e. it looks at other translations based on the same manuscripts that the KJV is based upon.

    It is also good for people to read what is in the preface that used to be included in the KJV, as it has how the translators themselves vewed their translation. I remember the preface being included in Bibles that I had many moons ago.

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
    • From James Arendt on KJV the Most Accurate English translation of the Bible

      Sorry Sam, but I cannot agree with what http://a-voice.org/bible/nkjv.htm is saying about the NKJV verses the KJV. Please check out what http://www.chick.com/ask/articles/nkjv.asp has to say about it.

      (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
      • From Sam on KJV the Most Accurate English translation of the Bible

        I haven’t looked at that page in depth on the NKJV but I gather from other pages on the site he does recognise that NKJV has its problems. I believe it does also and there is also some deceitfulness that I detected in the information given re the translation in the preface of the NKJV that I read in the past.

        But what I was mostly interested in on the site was the VW edition of the Bible which corrects some mistranslations (there are some) in the KJV from the same texts that KJV is translated from. (I also consult Greens Literal and Youngs Literal sometimes which are translated from the same texts as KJV)

        Unfortunately I have found some very unbalanced veiws amongst the “KJV only” people which haven’t been helpful in the debate! Perhaps you have too? I got sucked in by Gail Riplinger for a while until I did a bit more background checking.
        Some of these waco people would correct the Hebrew and Greek texts from the KJV because they believe it to be infallable. People like that can’t give a reasoned debate it as far as I am concerned.

        I certainly believe the KJV to be more reliable than the versions based upon the corrupt stream of manuscripts used for the modern versions. But I don’t believe it’s perfect. What did the people before the KJV came along do for word of God? I seem to recall you referring to tyndales version in something I read of yours, so I gather you do recognise previous versions. I do try to be honest and balanced about things James.

        To be honest I don’t trust Jack Chick he’s a false teacher.

        Anyway perhaps you may like to have a look at the VW edition and compare it with Strong’s and/or other lexicons. I am keeping an open mind on it at the moment anyway
        and if find it doesn’t sit right then I’ll decide what to do from there.

        Oh and have a good new year James!

        (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From Johnny on Kent Hovind Changes His Position on the Doctrine of Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    [Here’s something I found on the web. It also mentions Dave’s book.]

    Pretrib Rapture Pride

    by Bruce Rockwell

    Pretrib rapture promoters like Thomas Ice give the impression that they know more than the early Church Fathers, the Reformers, the greatest Greek New Testament scholars including those who produced the KJV Bible, the founders of their favorite Bible schools, and even their own mentors!
    Ice knows that his own mentor, Dallas Sem. president John Walvoord, was unable to find anyone holding to pretrib before early 19th century British teacher John Darby – and Walvoord called Darby and his Brethren followers “the early pretribulationists” (RQ, pp. 160-62). By claiming to find “imminence” in the 1st and 2nd century Fathers, Ice knows that his followers can change “imminence” in their mind to “pretrib” – but Ice is reluctant to admit that whenever any of those Fathers seemed to hold to “imminence, it was because they thought they were then in the tribulation and were near the end of it!
    Google “Famous Rapture Watchers” to see the rapture view that Walvoord said “has long been a common doctrine held by the majority of the church” (RQ, p. 127). Note how those unsurpassed lexicon and Greek grammar experts interpreted Rev. 3:10 which pretrib promoters often claim is the greatest Biblical proof for an any-moment pretrib rapture.
    Journalist/historian Dave MacPherson has focused since 1968 on the pretrib rapture’s long-covered-up, 183-year-old history. His habit has been to examine Darby’s earliest writings and then painstakingly search for the earliest occurrences of certain words and phrases like “coming for,” “coming with,” “rapture,” “imminence,” “any moment,” etc. Since several of Darby’s contemporaries have at times been nominated for the title of “Pretrib Rapture Originator,” MacPherson has done the same laborious word-and-phrase search in the earliest writings of Macdonald, Norton, Irving, etc.
    Since many pretrib promoters favor the King James Version of the Bible, it’s interesting that the other writings of the KJV translators that are in the British Library in London (where MacPherson has researched) don’t have even a hint of a pretrib rapture! Is it possible that Ice and other pretrib merchandisers have found proof of pretrib in the KJV that even the KJV translators couldn’t find?
    Pretrib didn’t flourish in America much before the 1909 Scofield Bible which has pretribby “explanatory notes” in its margins. Not seen in the margins was jailed forger Scofield’s criminal record throughout his life that David Lutzweiler has documented in his recent book “The Praise of Folly” which is available online.
    Even some well-known evangelical schools have played fast and loose with pretrib. MacPherson’s “The Rapture Plot” – the most documented and accurate work on pretrib dispensationalism’s history (Google “Scholars Weigh My Research”) – includes on p. 222 Biola’s original doctrinal statement which stated that the “Lord Jesus is coming again to his earth, personally, bodily, and visibly.” Later on, those who evidently felt superior to the founders added this Scofield-like “explanatory note” which says that “the return of the Lord for His Church will be premillennial” and “before the Tribulation.” (Also Google “Pretrib Hypocrisy.”)
    Although Ice’s mentor John Walvoord couldn’t find any pretrib teacher before 1830, Ice has been “honoring” Walvoord by promoting some pseudo-scholars who claim they’ve found pre-1830 existence of pretrib! (Google MacPherson’s “Deceiving and Being Deceived” for the details.)
    Ice, BTW, has a “Ph.D” issued by a tiny Texas school that wasn’t authorized to issue degrees! Ice now says that he’s working on another “Ph.D” via the University of Wales in Britain. For light on the degrees of Ice’s scholarliness, Google “Bogus degree scandal prompts calls to wind up University of Wales,” “Thomas Ice (Bloopers),” and “be careful in polemics – Peripatetic Learning.”
    Another pretrib trafficker, Hal Lindsey, asserts on p. 124 in “The Late Great Planet Earth” that the famous Egyptian Sphinx has the head of a woman even though encyclopedias say it’s the head of a man!
    In a Google article “Pretrib Expert John Walvoord Melts Ice,” Ice’s mentor demolishes Ice’s desperate assertion that the “falling away” in II Thess. 2 is a pretrib rapture! (Ice should have said that the TEACHING of such a rapture is a falling away!)
    Other Google pieces helping to make a shocking mosaic of pretrib include “Pretrib Rapture Diehards,” “X-raying Margaret,” “Edward Irving is Unnerving,” “Wily Jeffrey,” “Thieves’ Marketing,” “Appendix F: Thou Shalt Not Steal,” “The Unoriginal John Darby,” “Catholics Did NOT Invent the Rapture,” “The Real Manuel Lacunza,” “The Rapture Index (Mad Theology),” “Open Letter to Todd Strandberg,” “Pretrib Rapture: A Staged Event,” “Pretrib Rapture Secrecy,” “Roots of Warlike Christian Zionism,” “Chuck Missler – Copyist,” “Pretrib Rapture Secrets,” and an earthquake titled “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty.”
    Can anyone guess who the last proud pretrib rapture holdout will be?

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
    • From James Arendt on Kent Hovind Changes His Position on the Doctrine of Pre-Tribulation Rapture

      Thank you, Johnny, for your well researched input! I’d like to add that the reason many pretrib promoters seem to favor the King James Version of the Bible is really because they are studying from the Scofield edition of the King James Bible! It’s because of the notes that Cyrus I. Scofield put in the margins of his edition of the KJV that caused them to believe in a pre-tribulation rapture!

      (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From Karen Sanders on John F. Kennedy's Speech on Secret societies and Freedom of the Press transcribed into text

    These are our Jerry Springer moments, where everything really relevant lies beyond the sight of our eyes and we revel in the excitement and frenzy of conspiracies everywhere. Do we need to spend so much of our precious and limited time on what are (at best) speculative subjects and commentary?
    If you are really interested in doing something genuine to change the world for the better, and to prepare for the very best millennium the world has ever know, which we born in this or prior generations will never experience, think about autonomous, self-governing organic home fellowships. Just think about even the term, “autonomous, self-governing” and how that will be received by the world.
    Come on! Let’s get away from the negative and embrace the positive, because that’s where God is leading His children!

    (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
    • From James Arendt on John F. Kennedy's Speech on Secret societies and Freedom of the Press transcribed into text

      I do not consider the words of a speech of a U.S. President while still in office, “speculative subjects and commentary”. No matter if true or false, they have weight of influence because of the man’s position. If what JFK said in his speech is true and secret societies are indeed the true policy makers of the U.S. Government, I would think that it’s those who are supporting a certain political party the ones who are wasting their precious and limited time. I know many of such people, even some close friends who should know better! This article was geared to them, not to those who know the conspiracy.

      (Visited 22 times, 1 visits today)
  • From Evelyn on Westboro Baptist Church's false doctrine of hatred exposed

    Jesus came to deliver us from the “Love of Money” which is the “Root of all evil”

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