Disinformation Agents of the New World Order – David Icke, Alex Jones, Zeitgeist, etc.
This video clip sums up what I’ve been trying to share with all my friends in the past year or so: Any person who claims to be a “truth-teller” but who receives little or no opposition to his message may in fact be a disinformation agent of the New World Order, the very group they claim to be exposing!
Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. –2 Timothy 3:12
The rule of thumb I go by to know who is telling the truth or not is how much opposition they have received because of their message. Any highly funded, high profile radio talk host or speaker who has been in operation for years without a significant concerted campaign against them that seeks to smear and discredit them is, in my mind, suspect of being a disinformation agent, also known as a “gatekeeper.” Can I say this any clearer? If so, somebody please give me a suggested alternative in the comments section of this post.
Do you know of any high profile Christian evangelists of whom the mass media has actually praised? I know of one. The rule above applies to them as well. If they have never been persecuted, something is wrong with them. They are tools of the NWO to lead people away from the Truth.
The NWO plan is to discredit all religions, and especially the teachings of Jesus Christ! The only way to know truth and have a balanced and correct perspective of the world and reality is to know exactly what the Bible has to say, not just what some preacher says that it says.
More disinfo agents
Joyce Riley of the Power Hour radio show
She blatantly lied about what was happening in Japan after 911 saying that US military is quietly sending their dependents back to the States, embassy officials leaving Japan, and Tokyo airport being overflowed with people leaving Japan. All lies! How do I know? Please see http://www.jamesjpn.net/life-in-japan/joyce-riley-of-the-power-hour-radio-show-hype-fearmongering-disinformation-and-plain-lies/
Mark Dice
He tries to discredit John Todd and William Cooper, two men who gave their lives for exposing the Illuminati.
Jordan Maxwell
Anti-Christ, anti-Bible
Benjamin Fulford
I heard him claim that the earthquake in NE Japan on March 11, 2011 was caused by the Illuminati in revenge towards the Japanese government for not lending them money. Ha ha! The Illuminati does not run out of money!
Fritz Springmeier
Most of the information in his book, “13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati” was given to him by a CIA agent, Mark Philips! He may be sincere but misled. Why do I think so? He doesn’t give the Vatican / Jesuit connection to the conspiracy.
Texe Marrs
I used to like him but because he defends his friend Alex Jones and because he blames Jews / Zionists for all the evils in the world even though he knows about the power of the Vatican / Jesuits, I think he is deceived. He sounds sincere but because Alex Jones is his buddy, I’m not interested in listening to him anymore. That is not to say that everyone on the Alex Jones show is disinfo.
Eric Jon Phelps
I give him credit for first pointing me to the Jesuit / Vatican connection. However after reading parts of his book Vatican Assassins and finding errors, wrong conclusions, dispensationalism, racist viewpoints, and because he attacks viciously anybody who doesn’t agree with him, I think he is either misled or actually working for the very people he claims to expose! He called F. Tupper Saussy who wrote “Rulers of Evil” a Jesuit coadjutor just because Saussy’s conclusions differed significantly with his! Well guess what? Phelps is still alive and Saussy has passed on to his reward only a few years after he wrote his book! Was Saussy martyred for the truth?
This list is by no means comprehensive. It’s basically the people I used to listen to but now reject as truth tellers. I don’t call them all evil or spreading disinfo with intentional ill will. They just may be misled.
This year (2015) it has come to my attention that there is an explosion on Youtube of people claiming the earth is flat! They are deceived! If any of them are also people who claim to expose the NWO conspiracy, I would not listen to anything they have to say! One man 77 years old who believes the earth is flat and that the Jews run the world mocked me for suggesting to him that it is really the Roman Catholic church behind it all. I mean, what can you tell a 77 year old guy who believes the earth is flat based on “extensive research” as he puts it, and thinks he knows more than me? 🙂
Basically a good rule of thumb for me is anybody who doesn’t talk about the Vatican / Jesuit role in the New World Order, and especially if they go no higher than Jews / Zionists / Rothschilds / International bankers, I would not listen to them. They cannot possibly see the entire picture. Only those who see today in the light of what the Bible tells us can see it. And where does the Bible say the center of Satan’s power in the world is?
Revelation 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
What was the great city that ruled over the kings of the earth in the Apostle John’s day? Rome! Rome! Rome! Unless you understand that ROME is STILL in charge, you are not looking at the conspiracy from truly a Biblical point of view. By “Rome” I am referring to the city / state of the Vatican, not metropolitan Rome. This is my opinion for what it’s worth, but I do not stand alone. Many godly men before me exposed the power of the Roman Pope and his church. You can find a list of resources on this site.